russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for April 7

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
8 April 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken:

Ukraine's counteroffensive will begin in the coming weeks

Washington will support these actions of the Ukrainian army.

The decision on the return of Crimea should be made by Ukraine.

- President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic:

Serbia is trying to maintain neutrality in relations with the West and Russia, but cannot guarantee that it will continue to be so.

Serbia "cannot do much" without Europe.

- Minister of Defense of Slovakia Yaroslav Nad:

Russian technicians could deliberately damage the Slovak MiG-29s.

The aircraft was found to have engine malfunctions, to which only Russian specialists had access.

Until last year, the Russians were at the Sliac air base in Slovakia.

- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Lavrov:

The West wants to cancel Russia.

The West Wants Russia's Strategic Defeat on the Battlefield.

The West does not hide the fact that after Russia it will go to China.

- Czech 122-mm RM-70 Vampire MLRS based on the chassis of the Tatra T-815-7 8x8 heavy tactical truck in Ukraine.

- Russian troops to deploy new Sturm Z units along the front line of Avdiivka – Donetsk, — ISW.

Analysts note ( that these company-sized units are being created to increase the combat effectiveness of most Russian units. But they will not give the Russians an advantage in the offensive. Personnel manned by these companies undergo 10 to 15 days of training.

- The United States gave Ukraine targets for strikes, including the assassination of Russian generals, — The New York Times.

The publication notes ( that Ukrainian officials did not dare to share their plans with the States, fearing information leaks. US intelligence officials have said they often have a better understanding of Russia's military plans than those of Ukraine.

- "A bearded Cossack with a Cheburashka on a cannon strikes fear into Ukrainian soldiers."

The very same "secret weapon" that Russian people constantly talked about.

- In Liverpool, the monument to The Beatles was dressed up in embroidered shirts.

Preparations for Eurovision 2023 continue there: the city is decorated in honor of Ukraine, instead of which the UK will host the song contest.

- The prospect of Putin's defeat is becoming more and more likely, and Putin's grip on power — increasingly weak, — ex-chief of the British General Staff.

According to ( Dannat, Pynya really believed that the majority of Ukrainians were opposed to Zelensky, and that the Russian Armed Forces were able to quickly take control of Kyiv.

"Now the troops of the Russian Federation are preparing for defense. The offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can finally destroy the remnants of the Russian fighting spirit and break the back of the Russian army", — said the British general.

- Xi Jinping persuaded Macron to confront the US, — Reuters.

The Chinese leader considers France one of the likely allies in Europe. The publication writes ( that the main goal of China — to prevent a closer rapprochement between Europe and the United States, and in this sense, Macron is perhaps Beijing's most important partner in Europe.

- Porsche offered Putin to save auto production in Russia, — SPIEGEL.

In a letter ( 42f9-8bc8-741a844bc867) to Putin, Porsche Supervisory Board member Siegfried Wolf proposed to revive the Russian Volga brand, while the Austrian entrepreneur wanted to use the abandoned Volkswagen factories in Russia and take over the management of the project himself as the owner of the Russian company PromAvtoConsult.

- Discrediting «SVO» sniffy.

A fecal terrorist showed up in the rush, who draws the symbol "V" on parked cars with shit. This is not the first time this has happened — last month there was a similar situation, but with the letter "Z"

- In Berlin, Ukrainian refugees are massively evicted from hostels, — Tagesspiegel.

Ukrainian refugees in the German capital are being evicted in connection with the start of tourism .html) of the season. Starting from April, the contract in 6 dormitories will expire at the center for migrants. The authorities do not offer other housing.

- A saboteur attacked the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at night.

Among the losses: a box of food, cheese and biscuits

- Photo from the Askania-Nova reserve in the Kherson region.

Russian soldiers killed a very rare species of animals that are in the Red Book - just to eat. Katsapsky pi #ors of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will also be cut.

- The liberation of Crimea from the occupiers is mandatory, — Zelensky.

"On the land of Crimea under the Russian one" zelenskij.html) evil now reigns with tricolor, humiliation, repression, murder, war. But where the path of evil began, we will have victory, victory over this evil. The de-occupation of Crimea is uncontested not only for Ukraine, but for the whole world", &mdash ; Zelensky stressed.

- + 480 asvabadites celebrate "demobilization" in hell

▪️Among those identified today —senior ensign Oleg Malenkov from Bashkiria. Was at "exercises" in Georgia, Yugoslavia, Chechnya, and Ukraine issued a "diploma"

Today we have 177,110 wonderful Russians

- The ruble broke the bottom and entered the top of the worst currencies in the world

▪️ Today, the dollar on the Moscow Exchange is above 82 rubles, the euro is above 90. This is the first time since April 2022

▪️Things are worse than the ruble today only for bankrupt currencies: the Zimbabwean dollar and the Iranian rial

- Smoking kills

- Find three differences

- The story of 11-year-old Varya Joliker: a teacher complained about her for an avatar with the flag of Ukraine and not attending "Conversations about the Important"

- It's your time to die for Putin

- Sounds like a great business plan

- Observation point

- Tryvozhna

- Mediazone and BBC confirmed the names of almost 20 thousand soldiers who died in the war

"Mediazona" and Russian service "BBC" confirmed the names of 19,688 Russian soldiers killed during the invasion of Ukraine.

The number obtained in this way does not reflect the real level of losses: we see only public reports of deaths. The actual death toll could be several times higher.

The largest category of dead — these are prisoners recruited by Wagner PMCs: more than 2.6 thousand of them died.

We also know the names of 1,783 dead mobilized and 220 officers of the Russian army with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

- A schoolgirl from Krasnodar committed suicide due to the death of her father in the war

Parents of 12-year-old Alexandra from Krasnodar divorced, and she stayed with her father and grandmother. My father got in trouble with the law and was jailed. The girl was handed over to her mother, who was never really interested in her life.

In prison, a man was recruited into the Wagner PMC, and recently it became known that he died. The daughter jumped from the 11th floor and died on the spot.

War spares no one. How many more orphans will not bear the terrible news?

- The Kremlin decided to arrange a "nostalgic retrospective", apparently. Biolabs in the morning, now this

- Round number (conservative estimate)

Oryx himself wrote that according to his experience the real number is 25-35% higher.

- and 7 billion Norway will allocate Ukraine in the form of assistance within five years. all well done

- Well, you know who is to blame.

- The case of the Makeevsky fontanel lives on!

- British company supplied almost $1 billion worth of banned electronics to Russia

Russia, bypassing the sanctions, after February 24, received electronics worth about $1.2 billion from Mykines Corporation, registered in the northern suburbs of London.

According to the Financial Times, the British firm Mykines Corporation was able to circumvent the ban with the help of forgery.

Semiconductors, microchips, servers, computer components, telecommunications network equipment were among those sold to Russia.

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