Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 5

15 November 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Reference: Propaganda (Latin propaganda, literally - “to be disseminated”, from Latin propago - “I distribute”) - the dissemination of views, facts, arguments, often rumors, distorted information or deliberately false information, in order to form the desired public opinion and manipulate public consciousness.

A follower of Arestovich appeared in Russia

The storyteller of Roscosmos, Rogozin, sitting in a warm room on the sofa, declares that the Russian army needs to wait 2-3 months, and they will receive modern weapons and supplies.

In Russia there is already talk of involving conscripts in combat operations

Howling in the swamps

Forced to apologize for Ukrainian songs

Crimean representatives of the “authorities” found the woman who organized the movement in Yalta and forced her to record a video with an apology.

Ukrainians are cannibals! Now we're eating Russian soldiers

You kill Russian soldiers and sell their meat in markets! God sees everything! - said the lip slap

Briefly about how there is no Nazism in Russia

An action called “March on Washington” took place in the center of Moscow.

Clown masquerade...

A brief summary of what you need to know about the most peace-loving people in the world

Who bombed Russian Novosibirsk

Oh yes, no one bombed them.

Mariupol City Council published a recording of mass graves

Even the coffins are not sealed; body parts are in boxes. They don’t even put marks on all the graves anymore, they just bury them as is.

Maria Zakharova published a video with Lavrov after the news of his hospitalization

The West is rotten, but there is an iPhone on the table and an Apple Watch on the hand

On the territory of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra they pray for Russia

What's going on? At a time when our Heroes are dying defending Ukraine from the Russian invasion, on the territory of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra they are praying for Russia.

NATA is to blame again. Sad horse Lavrov once again said that NATO was too close to the borders of the Russian Federation

We are not retreating, but gaining a foothold on the left bank of the Dnieper

How about securing a foothold somewhere behind the Crimean Bridge or, for example, beyond the Urals?

Peskov about Zelensky’s visit to Kherson

“We leave this without comment. You know that this is the territory of the Russian Federation,” said Putin’s secretary Peskov

No, well, we still need to look for such idiots...

Peskov is a coward

“No, we don’t have any comment. We don’t know what it is, how true it is, it’s none of our business,” this is how the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation reacted to the Wagenra man being beaten with a sledgehammer

Since when is an execution a moment to be overlooked? If such frames end up on video, then imagine how much of this is outside the camera?

A video has appeared of the theft of a raccoon from Kherson

The animal was captured by the Russians because they thought the raccoon could turn on washing machines.

The raccoon was stolen by the owner of the Crimean zoo "Taigan" Oleg Zubkov and published this video on his channel.

In Ukraine they are offering to exchange a dozen Russian “chmobiks” for their furry agent.

It is impossible to count on new victories

What happened, Mrs. Skabeeva? Where is Kyiv in 3 days? Where “we haven’t started yet”?

Skabeeva is bombed because of Zelensky’s visit to Kherson today

Solovyov calls for the return of the death penalty to Russia

In short, they will kill each other, let’s relax.

Soloviev talks about the occupiers fleeing from the front line, sitting in a warm and cozy studio (mat)

Poem about "Wagnerites"

Horrible. Poor girl whose parents brainwashed her...

You are homeless, we will not help you

In the Khabarovsk Territory, doctors called the patient names and did not help her. The doctors kept the woman in the emergency department and treated her roughly. Later, the woman was transferred to intensive care, but it was too late - she died from a traumatic brain injury.

An eyewitness posted a video showing a security guard manhandling a patient. He demands that she “not twitch” and sharply turns the couch on which the victim is lying.

How long will this continue?

Shariy is broken, bring a new one. Ukraine is objectively winning. I am for Ukraine

Guys, your Shariy is broken. Bring something new.

I vote for Biden, so America will fall apart faster

You ask, what side do the Russians take to the US elections? We don't know the answer either.

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