Propaganda that brainwashes Russians in Russia. Part 2

7 November 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Reference: Propaganda (Latin propaganda, literally - “to be disseminated”, from Latin propago - “I distribute”) - the dissemination of views, facts, arguments, often rumors, distorted information or deliberately false information, in order to form the desired public opinion and manipulate public consciousness.

15 people in a club in Kostroma were fried alive because of 23-year-old Russian soldier Stanislav Ionkin

He managed to “fight” in Ukraine, returned to the swamps and, during a fight in a club, launched a rocket launcher into the ceiling. And then he hit the fuckers from the scene of the incident.

Propaganda that brainwashes Russians in Russia. Part 2

And Rosatom knows a lot about pleasures

In honor of its 60th anniversary, the electrochemical plant in Zelenogorsk had a blast with strippers

The Antichrist is coming to Holy Rus', to Orthodoxy

Are the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church already quite the same?

Without a cringe - nowhere

Madama dances to songs about chvkshniks. Sorry, but since when do they dedicate odes to prisoners? Or will there soon be a fashion for prisoners in the Russian Federation?

The fight against illegal migration from Russia has begun in Tajikistan

The phrase of the indignant madam “Everything here is in a foreign language” is especially beautiful.

The boomerang for “Ravshan and Dzhamshut” has arrived!

There is clearly some kind of fuss in Kherson

It is reported that the building of the Kherson Regional State Administration is empty. According to preliminary information, the Russian occupiers left it. I publish videos on local channels.

Children must join the army, study for 2 years and participate in hostilities

Ukrainophobe and propagandist Puchkov believes that 18-year-olds should be sent to the front, because 40- and 50-year-old men have “prostate problems and business”

Bishop Pitirim of Skopinsky turned on his balalaika again

Reported that:

- God is punishing Ukraine,
- Russians are a tool of the Lord,
- biological laboratories in Ukraine,
- Ukrainians brazenly wanted prosperity,

A cross between obscurantism and Nazism, as the personification of the entire Putin regime.

The history of the state and the church are so fucking intertwined

The chief priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, Gundyaev, swore in front of Putin, saying that the patriarch should sit next to the tsar

Do the commandments allow swearing?

There is never too much cringe, although no, it happens

I wonder if this patriotic dad has already gone to fight for the Motherland? The troops would approach the Don on tiktok...

Krinzhatina from Vika Tsyganova in support of PMC "Wagner"

Cultural life in Russia is so harsh and merciless

Beaver man Simonyan hints that Putin doesn’t have enough testicles to use nuclear weapons

On Rostv Kiva, he shitted out a call to bomb Kyiv with the argument that I feel sorry for the people

Incomplete clip for the incomplete song “I am Russian”

Propaganda Soloviev spoke to young people with nuclear threats

Propaganda Solovyov spoke to young people with nuclear threats, twisted Bibles and urged them to prepare to march to the front as soon as they were old enough.

They looted everything, even the toilets - video from the Kherson Regional State Administration

Rainbow consequences of the arrival of the "Russian world" ...

Russian amusement park

The entertainment they deserve

Rusnia, under the guise of evacuation, took a children's train out of Kherson. Special military operation goes according to plan

Orderlies, your patient has escaped

Kiva repented and told why he had to leave Ukraine.

All because he could be... "fucked."

Listen to the end. How a dirty bomb actually works, a visual demonstration

Spermousov is not panicking at all

Ukrainians came up with a theory that they are not Russians, but Ukrainians

I treated Volodya Zelensky like my child

Yeah, and then he started helping Putin bomb Ukraine


1 comment
8 November 2022
В каком смысле, на России скоро пойдёт мода на знаков? Вы когда с Луны вернулись? У них она никуда и не уходила. Половина их творчества - это шансон про воров, убийц и лагеря. Бандитские понятия и блатной устав - неотъемлемая часть россиянкой культуры и жизни. Если рассеец ничего не украл и никого не пырнул, он считается низшим классом и в рай не попадёт. Так было издавна. О каком скоро вы шепчете ?
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