Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 1

5 November 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Reference: Propaganda (Latin propaganda, literally - “to be disseminated”, from Latin propago - “I distribute”) - the dissemination of views, facts, arguments, often rumors, distorted information or deliberately false information, in order to form the desired public opinion and manipulate public consciousness.

For some reason, a siren was turned on in Gomel (Bulboland)

Preparing for war? In Gomel (Bulboland) for some reason they turned on the siren. They say that today air raid signals will sound in other cities of the Gomel region.

Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 1

A 24-hour curfew was announced in Kherson

Spermousov whines about the Nazis in the city...

UPD: Gauleiter Stremousov has already deleted the message about the curfew on his channel, but the Internet remembers everything...

Your bets. How long will it take them to propose lynching of dissenters?

Everything is under control, there is no panic, but Spermousov already has his clothes

As soon as they bring in the money, I say so. Changing bloggers' shoes on the fly

Kiva has already taken his dose and threw a tantrum about how he will fight for the hearts and souls of Ukrainians

When the real state of affairs almost managed to break through into the television picture

Mariupol is an ancient Russian city according to Putin

Just listen to Putin's cynical, hypocritical statements after his army destroyed everything living and inanimate in this city...

The latest technologies in Volgograd

If cyberpunk does not go to the Russian Federation, then the Russian Federation goes to cyberpunk (but this is more like cringe)

A very cute children's program from the vastness of Russia

According to Freud. A clash with the neo-Nazi regime in Russia was inevitable

Or did he tell the truth?

Woke up - changed shoes

Spermousov posted a new video, where there is not a word about the curfew (and the old one was “imperceptibly” deleted)...

Russia resumes its participation in the Black Sea Grain Initiative

What was all the circus about?

Russians are simply an instrument of God, it’s like a belt with which a father punishes a child

The Moscow priests are clearly mixing something into the incense. There is no other way to explain this nonsense.

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