Here is such a Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 40

20 January 2023

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

Report of the captain of the occupiers from Soledar

“The city was taken, but everything was crap, we lost a lot,” reports the occupier

Prepare seats in the 4th row and cheese popcorn for Shoigu and Putin, let them watch

How a contractor almost shot a major

The video was filmed by a Caucasian soldier, a Kamaz driver, in a combat zone in the occupied territory of Ukraine last fall, but it appeared online not long ago. The contractor almost shot a car approaching him, driven by a Russian major who had stolen the car from one of the local residents.

Where have you seen a soldier put down a major like that? Another video about how the Akhmat troops rule the military of the Russian army

Those mobilized from the Yaroslavl region complain that they are accused of desertion

Their commander gave them the command to retreat, and now he takes back his words. They were promised that they would be in the “terrorist defense” on Russian territory, but instead they were sent to the front.

Well, let's say it was naive to expect luxury conditions at the front, who is your doctor?

Prigozhin’s “graduates” returned to Russia

Russians, wait on the streets of your cities. Now you can experience their “combat experience” for yourself

Fresh Wagner burial ground

Only crosses, corollas and numbers.

That's the whole bonus that the vast majority of prisoners receive instead of freedom

Call the prosecutor's office, we won't go

Potential mobsters from the Samara region refuse to star in the “film”: “The Curse of Soledar”

Why did it happen? Are you afraid of being double-jawed? Right…

Unprecedented assistance to the Russian army. Winter knitted socks and... diapers

Laughter and laughter, but the thing is necessary in the current circumstances. You never know what can happen out of fear.

There is no quiet place anywhere. Cry of the Orc from Soledar

Well, that’s it, I’ve revealed all the military secrets, where are the sledgehammers, take it, your patient.

The orcs who were fired cannot get out on their own back to Russia

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