Here is such a Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 12

26 October 2022

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

The snipers were assigned to a half-blind man, minus 12 in one eye. We didn't teach anything in two weeks of training.

“They put a half-blind sniper, -12 in one eye. We didn’t teach anything in two weeks of training.”

Tyumen mobs complain that they were sent to the front without food, tents, transport or training

Artillerymen are put into infantry, tankers into snipers - complete chaos and misunderstanding

We would like to sympathize, but no

In the Tyumen region, mobiks were equipped with the most advanced first aid kits and karemats

Recording a soldier's conversation in one of the mobilization chats

No body - no money

The wives and mothers of the soldiers of the “second army of the world” ran into a severe bummer with payments.

We don’t abandon our own, yes.

Occupier beats another Muslim occupier and sets his prayer schedule

Another manifestation of chauvinism already familiar to the Russian army

Russia carried out ethnic cleansing under the pretext of mobilization

In the Altai Republic, locals complain that 90% of those buried are ethnic Alatians.

Typical high attitudes of Russians

The father, who did not take part in raising his son, showed up to receive funeral money for his death.

Chmoboks from the Moscow region are whining that they were thrown into a dirty, cold hangar without support, they even get food themselves

Shoigu ninja stormtroopers are asking for an advance payment otherwise there will be trouble

Equipment from the century before last, unsuitable for use, was given to those mobilized from Crimea

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