This is the Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 2

Category: Other video, PEGI 16
3 October 2022

Armored personnel carriers and tanks are over, take the horses

Buryat cavalry? Horsemen of the Apocalypse? BDSM party? What is this anyway?

To join the army of homeless people

The mobs from Norilsk have such a great atmosphere. The author of the video claims that they are waiting to move into a unit in Omsk in the nearest forest. Conscripts collect wood, light fires, drink and sleep on the ground. There is an opinion that some of them will go to Kobzon’s concert before reaching the collision line

In Khabarovsk, a patient with schizophrenia was mobilized, assigned to a rifle battalion

Military personnel shocked by training conditions in Novosibirsk

The Second World Army is preparing to fight NATO

Squid game. Kazan

A short conversation between a local from the LPR and the occupiers

Liquor and vodka troops conduct mass exercises to prepare for battles with the NATO army

The mobs are actively whining about the retreat in Liman, but the woman only allows them

Where do volunteers come from in the Russian army?

The mayor of Vorkuta said that a significant part of the volunteers go to the front of their own free will, because at home they are “nagged” by their wives. At home they are “nagged” by their wives, and at the front they will be “nagged” by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It's hard to say which is worse

We stood on the street for 5 hours, in the end they only gave us gas masks - we ran out of clothes

A drunk driver was driving drunk chmobiks and got into an accident

The Russian alcohol truck continues to refuel already on the parade ground

Purely a game of squid, Russia edition.

Russian "chmobiks" in Novosibirsk are fed through the fence

For 8 years, the separatists have not realized that there is no republic and no one needs them

Cattle are being taken to slaughter

Message for mobiles

An average stormtrooper with progressive dronephobia

Everyone is there, the Americans are preparing, the Europeans, all their forces are thrown there. A bunch of mercenaries

The governor of Kuzbass, and part-time husband of Putin’s niece Tsivilev, came to brainwash conscripts in Omsk.

Chmobiks continue training in preparation for war with NATO as part of the liquor and vodka battalion of the second army of the world

The “Russian World” is now having a hard time

1 comment
3 October 2022
Останнє відео дуже гарне, дякуємо.
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