Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 39

1 March 2023

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

Putin is war, without war he will not remain in power - 82-year-old Russian woman

Attention, the granny does not have a TV, and she declares that “Putin is a ghoul, the whole world hates us because of him.” Here is the real truth from the lips of citizens of the Russian Federation

Well, what is she wrong about?

Exactly 8 years ago, Boris Nemtsov was killed in Russia for telling the truth about the criminal Putin regime.

“In order for Russia to stop fighting, in order for Russia to get out of this economic nightmare, we must say goodbye to Putin. For me, absolute synonyms: Putin, crisis, war. We must free Russia from Putin. Because if we don’t do this, our country will be an outcast, our country will be in poverty, our crisis will last for years.”

Russian ambassador at a meeting of the UN Security Council

As those gathered rose from their seats to honor the memory, Russian Ambassador Nebenzya broke the minute of silence by tapping on his microphone.

Russia penetrates everywhere like rust

Many large countries are trying to spread their influence, this is no secret. But the Russian Federation is spreading the Bolshevik ideology, and has been doing so since 1917. Outwardly, the ideas of communism were abandoned, but inside nothing changed. Russia wants to rule the world - at least the part it can reach. Wants to keep weak countries in line and use them in his game. And if they are against it, then a SVO can be declared for the purpose of “protecting the interests of the Russians.”

Russians as an ethnic group will disappear - Putin

This is exactly what Putin is hinting at in the event of the collapse of the Russian Federation. You can imagine how far things have gone that Putin can allow himself to say such things.

But that's not all, the Chinese Ministry of Natural Resources has published a directive according to which Russian cities will return Chinese names

Vladivostok should again be called Haishenwai, Khabarovsk - Boli, and Sakhalin Island - Quedao.

Friends, we will witness global changes. Stock up on popcorn...

Solovyov saw military men who asked him to convey “thank you” to the bunker for starting the “SVO”

With the same delight, if necessary, he will tell you that he saw aliens who admire the one who started all this

Social advertising in Irkutsk leaves much to be desired

Did you call the scoop? Since then, they have tried to rewrite the posters

Striptease from Putin's high-ranking general

In the video is the hero of the Russian Federation, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces Alexander Matovnikov, sent to command in Belarus.

Dumb, hungry and sick people are easier to manage. Russian deputy

After some time, the fooled Russians will tramp into foreign territory to kill Ukrainians under the slogans of good luck to my family because there is not enough other way to earn brains.

The Belarusians near Minsk are almost in the Second World War

They run, shoot, and say that this is how they will eliminate the terrorists. The action takes place at the museum complex “Stalin Line”

Lukashenko is still a braggart

Bulbaführer boasted that, despite the sanctions, Belarus produces so many weapons that it sells them to 57 countries.

Youth have created PMCs and are beating people

Teenagers start fights in the capital's shopping centers, beating people because of their appearance and race. Ideology dictated by youthful maximalism: against everyone.

The kids are wearing Wagners, and when they grow up, they'll wear the front...

Real leisure time for z-patriots

The Moscow Longevity Center organized leisure activities for elderly Muscovites in the form of military-patriotic games in the fresh air.

Pensioners disassembled a Kalashnikov assault rifle at speed, provided first aid and carried the “wounded on stretchers.”


Passenger with a grenade: the guy cheated the taxi driver out of money and ran away

A colorful and sociable passenger named Murad became a real social media star when he chatted and deceived a taxi driver. And it seems that he has a worthy and more explosive follower. And the point here is not a hot character, but the fact that the guy was spinning a grenade in his hands the whole trip. Well, as the classic bequeathed, he did not pay for the trip.

A patriotic matinee before February 23 was held in a kindergarten in Tambov

Children marched, danced in circles with Russian flags, sang songs and read poems about soldiers, and threw improvised grenades at photographs of “enemy” tanks.

The holiday was a success!

The first Leopard has already burned down in Ukraine! But there is a nuance

The wonderful future of Russia

Brainwash properly

War is being forced on the children again, matinees are about war, lessons at school are about war. We are waiting for battalions to be formed from first-graders

8 years since Putin killed Boris Nemtsov

And on this anniversary, on the Nemtsov Bridge, the police carried out the first arrest of a girl who put a “Fight!” poster in flowers.

Beaver turned into a poetess

Another cringe video from a propagandist

Bulbo special forces looks like this now

We don’t know who so brilliantly conveyed the essence of the Belarusian special forces with voice acting, but he is a genius. To complete the picture, these starchy troops should have been given water pistols.

Send this video to your friends and let them laugh heartily too...

In the Lipetsk region on Maslenitsa, a stuffed Huggy Wagga was burned with a flamethrower.

In the Lipetsk region they decided to take a thorough approach to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor and burned a scarecrow of the ugly Huggy-Waggy toy as a scary stuffed animal symbolizing the harsh winter. Rospotrebnadzor recommended removing this monster from Russian shelves.

In the Omsk region they burned an effigy that the Katsaps call Zelensky and Biden

Biden! Stop the policy against Russia! – Russian organizers.

Let me remind you that no Ukrainian, let alone NATO, military personnel on the territory of the Russian Federation, who are listed in international documents, were found during the entire year of the war.

This is where the root of all grievances lies

Soloviev is crying about how “Nazi” Europe took away his villas in Italy.

But you can ask for a camera with a sea view

Girkin. We are waiting for Chinese Lend-Lease

The terrorist of the shooters summed up the results of the year of “special operation”

February 2022: we will take Kyiv and all of Ukraine in three days.

February 2023: without Lend-Lease, Russia will lose.

Goyda Rusne to give birth

Ivan “Goyda” Okhlobystin (the main actor of the series “Interns”) told the children that a woman is a mycelium that should only give birth and stand at the stove.

State - torrent

Children's holiday with Ukrainian music in the Russian Federation

Lipetsk. Kindergarten. Ukraine has not died yet - everything is correct, the Russian Federation is preparing for Ukrainization

If suddenly it seemed to you that the majority of Russians do not support “SVO” - it seemed to you

Shoigu's son-in-law from Dubai says hello to Z-cattle

Kyiv throws prisoners without preparation into the first line of defense in Bakhmut. occupant

Liza Peskova also rocks in Dubai

Her dad will tell the rest of the Russians about patriotism and that they need to die for Putin at SVO

Lukashenko delivers another dose of cringe

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