Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 19

22 December 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

“Father Frost” arrived at the opening of the Christmas tree in Belgorod in an armored personnel carrier

What a year, what a New Year's holiday

97 percent of the participants in the “special operation” return home alive.”

And here is a video of Putin’s board landing

The bunker arrived in Belarus for the first time since June 2019.

But an FSB officer in a cassock fires up the office and tells in detail who it is time to prepare for the coming of the narrow world

Who attacked or did we miss something?

And then Putin lost his nerve: “We have nothing to reproach. We have always considered the Ukrainian people to be a fraternal people. I still think so. What is happening is, of course, our tragedy. Our common tragedy. But it is not the result of our policy.”

An activist from the Ryazan region filmed laying asphalt in the snow

Strong technologies

Import-substituted medicine spotted in Rostov pharmacies...against Biden

Doesn't it by any chance cure brain cell tumors? I really need it

In Moscow, a group of Z-vatniks tried to throw sledgehammers at the Finnish Embassy building

It was necessary to sit on them together under the embassy and wait...

There should be more Russians like this

During the day we talked about the guys who apologized for their stupid act in Georgia.

We invite you to see why we decided to post their apology video.

If every Russian was like them, there would be no war. For our part, we would like to apologize for the negative post. And say - thank you for your position!

This is what happens when exports decrease. In the village of Kachanovka, Sumy region, oil flowed from a well instead of drinking water

An environmental protection inspector who went to the site confirmed that “a viscous dark liquid with a characteristic odor of oil is pouring from the well.” Experts collected samples for laboratory analysis of the liquid.

You know, the two of us are co-aggressors, the most harmful and toxic people on this planet

Lukashenko finally told the truth about himself and his bunker comrade

The general of the Russian army is threatened with death for his words about the bombing of Azerbaijan

Russian fascists have not yet realized that they should now be afraid of people of different nationalities. We quarreled with almost all our neighbors.

Girkin continues to whine

Dmitry Medvedev traveled to China to meet with Xi Jinping

He says that Ukraine was also discussed and the conversation was “useful.”

Chinese media, in turn, report that Medvedev conveyed a message from Putin to the Chinese leader.

If suddenly you wanted to listen to a kringe song dedicated to “Sarmat” - here it is

Now he says that with such a command as it is now, the Soviet army would have been defeated by the Germans, and in 1943 the latter would have been behind the razor.

How does the Russian state take care of its citizens?

Just look at the love with which the carpenters carve out the future shelter for the occupiers

How do propagandists who sell out to Russia work?

The Pugacheva clan staged a provocation on the federal channel

News from the madwoman: Igor Skurlatov called Nikolaev and Orbakaite bastards, wishing them all the best: “The bastards are on the black list. Don't let it go on air, ban concerts. Declare them foreign agents and expel them from the country!”

And all because of the costumes, yes.

When will the war end

Sartovites were asked what question they would ask the president of their country

Something began to dawn on the Russians

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