Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 10

29 November 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

A 21-year-old creature reflects on Ukraine, the Ukrainian language and patriotism

Now this individual is in Ivano-Frankivsk. It’s strange that she’s not yet in Russia, whose language she loves so much.

Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 10

In Kirov, local children and wives of mobs were given the opportunity to wave a saber

They cut down suspended plastic bottles with a saber. First of all, mobilized children were invited to a master class in order to “bring them out of a state of stupor, anger and aggression.”

All psychologists in the world are crying at the ingenious approaches to stress relief of the Russian authorities

Hollywood actor Sean Penn is to blame for the genocide of the people of Donbass, just like Zelensky

So says Serbian “journalist” Miodrag Zarkovich.

It turns out that Russian moronism is a contagious thing.

Indeed, why

State Duma deputy from United Russia Tatyana Butskaya compared homosexuality with tooth decay and accused the Tatu group

The MP of your dreams

And the first bill will be to increase the supply of botulinum toxin to the regions of the Russian Federation

Children in Russia are taught from childhood to die for the “tsar”

Briefly about how the rhetoric of Russian propaganda has changed

Screams and doctors at the Basmanny police station after arrests in Open Space, Moscow

Screams are heard outside and emergency personnel enter the building. It is not yet known who they came to and who is making these screams.

The search was carried out using despotic methods

The Chernivtsi-Bukovina diocese of the UOC-MP commented on yesterday’s visit of the SBU.

Why are we so nervous?

Drunk General Gurulev says that banking infrastructure in Ukraine needs to be destroyed

The goal is to sow chaos and leave Ukrainians without jobs and livelihoods.

Russian Nazis do not hide the fact that they need to bring more suffering to the Ukrainian population.

They themselves sit without warmth and do not give life to others

Typical attitude of the Russian authorities to their problems.

Now the orcs are saying exactly the same thing about retreating from Zaporozhye NPP

The fair-haired military correspondent Z, a little more than a month ago, realized that the Russian Federation would not leave Kherson and preparing for a retreat was a cunning plan.


The situation is surreal or the chronicles of import substitution

China assembles the Moskvich car, removes some of the parts, the car comes to Russia, then they put these parts back and say that they are producing cars.

Soloviev swears at his audience

Thank you for starting SVO

blogger appealed to Putin

Ex-participant of the Dom-2 project Lera Frost visited the DPR. And it didn’t come...

So this is what he is, the real Prigogine (lots of swearing)

Crime boss Sasha “Kurara” spoke about the life of the head of “Wagner” in prison

The Russians are panicking, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have entered Tver

The filming of the propaganda film ended in great demand for Corvalol among the population...

Vengeful blows and holy hatred

These are the theses on Gebbels TV promoted by State Duma Vice Speaker Boris Chernyshov, wanting the Ukrainians to “freeze and rot.”

“What we see now on the Internet is that for this they will sit without gas, without electricity, and without everything. If the Kiev regime has chosen for itself the path of war criminals, they should freeze and rot there.”

The bloody propaganda does not subside, but these are the last convulsions from one’s own powerlessness

Ukrainian language and Ukrainian culture are part of our language

Another failure occurred in the fevered brains of the propagandists of the racist TV channel.

Destruction of myths about 8 years of bombing and a crucified boy from Slavyansk

“When they ask you where you were for 8 years? Ask why we were there all this time?” — Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dmitry Muratov sorted out typical propaganda narratives

According to the facts...

Khanty-Mansiysk deputy tried to put a microphone in his eye during a meeting

There must have been some good coke before the meeting...

They want to send Khryusha, Stepashka and “Good night, kids” to the front. No kidding

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