Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 6

17 November 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Reference: Propaganda (Latin propaganda, literally - “to be disseminated”, from Latin propago - “I distribute”) - the dissemination of views, facts, arguments, often rumors, distorted information or deliberately false information, in order to form the desired public opinion and manipulate public consciousness.

Let's take everything from the Germans

Father reported on a parishioner who condemned the war with Ukraine

The rector of the church in the village of Telma, Irkutsk region, Sergei Kandybin, explained his actions with “fear for the security of the country.”

He wrote the denunciation after a conversation that took place between him and ex-member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Sergei Uglyanitsa.

Sad horse Lavrov said that Ukraine is delaying the resolution of the conflict and disrupting the negotiation process

Just take your bio-waste from our land, and maybe then we’ll talk.

Gebbels-TV has been on a roll in recent days

“We will lure NATO troops into Ukraine and destroy them all with factories and napalm. We have no other plan. It’s sad,” the Russian propagandist says sadly.

Mom's Destroyers

Simonyan howls in the swamps

Someone explain that if it weren’t for one bunker madman, there would be no mobilized people in nature.

We have 2000 howitzers, and they have 20! But our 2000 don't work

Experts, please tell me, can this be treated at all or is it all over?

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