Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 15

13 December 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

On December 11, 1994, the first Russian-Chechen war began

It lasted until August 31, 1996 and ended with the actual defeat of the Russian army with the loss of more than 15 thousand military personnel.

Yabloko activist Maria Volokh was released from a special detention center after 20 days of arrest for an anti-war rally at the General Staff

And he talks about the torture of non-political detainees in the police department, Soviet dissidents and his future plans

There were button accordions, now a guitar is going to the front

The leaders of the Russian group "Chaif" handed over a guitar with their own autographs to the 205th brigade, which is causing disturbances at the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric station

Soon they will need it, they will play the Ukrainian Anthem in captivity...

A small rally in support of the Russian Federation was held in Bulgaria

Some demonstrators put Z symbols on their clothes.

In Karabakh, Azerbaijanis protest against typical Russian peacekeepers

In Karabakh, Azerbaijanis protest against Russian “peacekeepers”

The main demand is to stop “the illegal exploitation of deposits in Karabakh.”

People block the path of the Peacekeepers and place sticks and tents in their way

What's going on in the bipolar world, Putin? Where is the respect for the country?

In Syria they really don’t like the Russian military

What a warm welcome, but instead of bread and salt there are stones and sticks...

This is what cocaine does to a person

The collaborator finished the game

This time a young girl from Kupyansk. After the liberation of the Kharkov region, he fled to Belgorod, and there he was subject to graves and settled down near Bakhmut.

If you didn't know, LEGO is the devil's toy.

The designer orients the child towards foreign cultural models and is covertly aggressive. This was stated by Belarusian Archpriest Fyodor Povny. As an alternative, he offers children to make soldiers. They are obviously not about aggression at all.

How to fool a flock of sheep

A case in point from propagandists

Only the propagandists themselves have forgotten how their people live in cities smaller than Moscow and St. Petersburg

About nations from a Ukrainian historian. Suddenly

The Russian who lives in the states simply destroyed the entire Russian army according to the facts

Soloviev fell terribly ill

On the head... It seems that this can no longer be cured...

Soloviev is already directly preparing zombies for a long war

“It’s time to think about increasing military service to two years,” said television evil

And it all started with “Kyiv in 3 days”, and now, bam and a long war...

Typical redneck from the Russian Federation

“Fuck you, German fascists, we will kill you like this,” a Moscow animal burst into the air of a journalist from a German TV channel in Moscow...

Solovyov is already starting to be afraid of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

“They will be given everything! And they need to prepare for this!” - the propagandists shout in panic and wonder how “how far will HIMARS reach?”

Cowards and show-offs who were going to implement something there in 3 days

Bread with a Z-swastika found at the Katsap positions

The circus has left, the clowns remain

It's all because of America

I understand you are doing propaganda here

When a Russian yells that she is Russian, but doesn’t even know her flag

What can you even talk about with such people?

Who sold weapons to terrorists is now considered by Russians to be “a symbol of the struggle for the spiritual and moral foundations of Russia”

The head of the party said that Bout had become “a symbol of the struggle for the spiritual and moral foundations of Russia.”

The head of the LDPR, Leonid Slutsky, presented his party card to Viktor Bout, who returned from an American prison. This happened at today’s party rally, dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of the formation of the political organization.

Nobody likes us or typical dialogue in Russia

- Well, we’re not moving, we’ve already arrived.

No, one more stop - The Hague.

New Year's mood is already on all the streets of Russia

The events unfolded somewhere in the vastness of Russian Pushkin

Zakharova's reply to Vaikula

Foreign Ministry representative Zakharova started a hurdy-gurdy talk about “grandfathers who fought” and about the “cynicism” of Laima Vaikule

All jokes aside, she looks really disgusting...

Subordinates get smarter, my lord

Brawl in Chechnya

Because of yesterday's incident between a Russian Guard member and a Chechen traffic police officer, some kind of trash talk began in the occupied Ichkeria, the city of Urus-Martan.

In a nutshell:

A SOBR officer ran into a police officer and slapped him in the face. He responded by shooting into the air. And the locals watched this circus.

Later, Don-Don sent an army of Kadyrov’s men there to send all the local men to the war in Ukraine. And all because they did not stand up for the traffic cop, but the crowd watched what was happening

Wait, is sending someone to war a punishment?

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