Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 13

8 December 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

Gangster Petersburg returns

A massive shootout between the owners of kiosks selling fireworks took place in Yekaterinburg.

One of the owners opened fire and it took off.

It's good that the 90s are gone

Russia has released the cringiest “social” advertisement condemning the flight of Russians from mobilization

Everything is getting more expensive, life is getting worse, I don’t expect anything good anymore

Russians were asked about their quality of life. The answers are predictable: everything is becoming more expensive, there is no money and there is not enough even for medicine.

But of course we need to go and save Ukrainians

Karma is like that

First you rejoice at the deaths of many people in Mariupol, and then you shout “for what?” when your daughter was blown away by an invader’s shell...

A collaborator in Kherson was found and detained

Local residents reported his activities with the occupiers. And this will happen to everyone...

Lavrov is shocked by the gender-neutral toilet in Sweden

This is understandable when the majority of Russians live with a toilet on the street and solemnly open it - this is a much more humane approach

Medvedev himself writes all the crazy nonsense in telegrams

“No one will write such a thing for me, he’ll just be afraid and say: “Are you crazy, or what?” Only I can do this,” Medvedev admitted, forgetting to clarify that this happens mainly after a 40-degree check

They're nervous at Gebbels TV

Propagandists fear that Ukraine is preparing “bright” gifts for them for Christmas and New Year.

Even if yes, then what?

Start class with a song about nuclear war

Easily! And this awaits every student of the Novosibirsk University.

How can you not go crazy from studying like this?

Nebenzya (representative of the Russian Federation) left the hall at the UN Security Council during the speech of the Permanent Representative of Ukraine Kislitsa

It's a shame for you, you old winded shit

A moment of hatred with Solovyov. This time it went to the editor-in-chief of Dozhd

The heating season in Russia has completely failed

“Everyone was saying that Europe was freezing because of its sanctions. But instead of Europe, for some reason, we are freezing.”

With the first frosts, Russians began to complain about the lack of heat in apartments and schools.

We still don’t understand whether Russia has already risen from its knees or is still in the process?

Putin says SVO may take longer

And what happened? What about “Kyiv in three days”?

Putin visited the Crimean Bridge in a German car

A certain person resembling the Russian president visited the Crimean Bridge today and even drove a domestic Mercedes car.

Putin. The nationalist elements of Poland are dreaming of taking some territories of Ukraine for themselves.

Putin. The threat of nuclear war is growing, to be honest - Putin

Simonyan. “We actually took Kyiv in the first week”

Defeat is victory, yeah, yeah, yeah

That same toilet got a whole story on local TV

Stop being a ninny

Solovyov's hysteria instead of coffee for special connoisseurs and aesthetes

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