Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 33

9 February 2023

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

Putin's propagandists are already promising Russians missile strikes 1000 km deep into the country

We will not be able to defeat Ukraine, it is better not to undertake a new offensive

Agent Girkins does not advise the “second army” to attack without additional mobilization.

Whining is good, but it won't help you avoid The Hague

Borscht recipe from Moobik

The Motherland asks to die for it and for eternal memory. They won't remember, really.

Russia is a fascist state - Russian military expert Yuri Fedorov

Russian politician and businessman Yuri Fedorov very subtly, but at the same time very clearly described the signs of similarity between the fascist regime of Germany and the current system of the Russian Federation.

“If Putin wants to live, he needs to stop the war and ensure his security by reaching an agreement with the West,” Fedorov added

They will wring their hands, they won’t send them to The Hague, they will say that he died of whooping cough - Agent Girkins describes his future

Russian world. With a broken leg for x-ray to the 4th floor only on foot

In the Penza region, at the Bessonovskaya hospital, a child with a broken leg had to crawl up the stairs to the fourth floor to get an x-ray.

The elevator in the clinic does not work, there were no crutches at the reception either????

When Russia rose from its knees, but you didn’t

On our side, stupid people, cretins and thieves are fighting

The most cringe-worthy court hearing in the world (mate)

This is what a meeting looks like in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Abkhazia...

There may still be planes and the Russians are afraid of it

“Scholz, who promised not to send planes to Ukraine, is known for his ability to change his position,” Lavrov’s horse.

A tale about Lavrov and a trip to Africa

Set it for your children at night...

The scoop woke up

“Why don’t we have songs or something? Why do they sing foreign songs on the show? It’s not clear” - Goblin resembles some kind of avid Soviet-era grandfather, but why does he resemble it? This is true...

Soloviev about Slepakov


Happy new parents named their daughter Russia

Everything is stable for zombies

The United States and its allies spit on the principles of the UN charters on respect for the sovereign equality of states - Lavrov

It’s as creepy as possible to hear about some kind of “respect for a sovereign state” from representatives of Russia.

The plot is from 1978. Russian propaganda works according to Soviet manuals

Ukrainian anthem in occupied Donetsk

Two girls sang it at the local Basil cafe, holding their hands to their hearts. The administration did not like this and apologized because “they do not share the beliefs of the two interns, with whom cooperation has already been terminated.”

Later, a video appeared with the girls’ apologies.

What would you do if you were president

Forced Russian slaves are shocked that such a question could, in principle, be asked of them

Scholz, stop bowing to Biden! Take the side of Russia!

Someone let Putin's money go crazy. They also organized the campaign “Burn the Leopard - get a T-shirt with a portrait of the bunker.”

The evolution of Russia in one video

8 June 2023
Да лучше их проблемы показывать что бы свои казались не такими плохими, да у нас на Украине пиздец полный
10 June 2023
Да, я знаю. У вас - на Украине в Рязани, полный капец. А у нас в Украине ещё ничего так.
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