Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 24

8 January 2023

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

Belgorod endured, Engels endured, well, Moscow will tolerate

The animators are good and the competitions are interesting

A search is underway in the Moscow "bunker" of the National Bolsheviks on Tikhvinskaya Street

Previously, they held a rally with a “Cuckolds” poster near the building of the Russian Ministry of Defense

Olga Shalina, coordinator of the city branch of the party, reported what was happening.

The reason, presumably, was the rally of the National Bolsheviks with the “Cuckolds” poster that took place on January 6 at the Ministry of Defense building: this is how supporters of the late Eduard Limonov, who were actively participating in the war, reacted to Putin’s statement about a temporary unilateral ceasefire. The latter, we note, according to the Ukrainian side, did not take place.

Get ready Muscovites, convicts are coming back to you with a life of thieves and six months of hostilities behind them.

The first group of former prisoners who participated in the war on foreign territory as volunteers of the Wagner PMC completed a six-month contract, all criminal records were cleared from them, said the founder of the criminal PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

And those who are mobilized will continue to be killed and forget about rotation.

During these 9 years they did not send their children to war

In 1988, Petrosyan criticized the Kremlin for the useless Afghan war. And today he supports the mass murder of Russians on the territory of Ukraine

Crimea. emitter towers

Quote from the author: “Listen to how the occupiers bully us as wholeheartedly as possible. Everywhere in the occupation there are such obscenities, from which vomit propaganda is flown and children read verses about the “greatness” of Russia. Before the speech, force cotton wool to leave. wow. Tse Sevastopol"

Peaceful solution to land seizure from Emelianenko in Dubai

The Chief of the General Staff is a cretin and should be fired

Girkin became very brave...

Superpower News

Voronezh region. Local residents are trying to help the patient get to the hospital.

If only we could seize more territories now, there are few of our own and they are all fine

Occupied Donetsk today

Donetsk before the occupation:


Occupied Donetsk today:

Revelations from the Secretary of the Council for Science and Education under the President Mikhail Kovalchuk

A poster of Cuckolds was hung in front of the building of the Russian Ministry of Defense

Bravely, boldly... But what are the activists hinting at? The fact that the Ministry of Defense also sits and enjoys how their women are having fun? Rather, the point here is that in the role of a woman - the Russian Federation...

It would be nice for the people to take power into their hands, but so far they are no different from this poster...

Prigogine about the failures of his convicts. Ukrainians are clearly preventing the capture of Bakhmut

We continue our section “superpower news”

In Sverdlovsk, local residents fought over expired food thrown out of the store.

But of course, Ukrainians need to be saved...

Propagandist Kiselev demands to stop poisoning journalists

Putin on totalitarianism 1996. Remind me, where is he now?

Russians are hated even in Mexico

How so? What could have happened?

Today in Novosibirsk an activist was detained on Lenin Square

Vyacheslav Pogorov went out on a single picket with a banner “NO TO WAR, I AM FOR PEACE.” Vyacheslav was accused of discrediting the army and taken to the police station.

Lukashenko's son has compromised a NATO first aid kit somewhere

It's time to apply Article 5

So here you are, an epiphany!

Krinzhatina of the day: a Moscow propagandist came to Mariupol and understood why local residents still cannot catch the “New Year’s mood.”

This is how ladies from Sakhalin congratulate the Russian occupiers on the Orthodox holiday of Christmas

Meanwhile, Belarusian border guards complain about “offensive gestures” from the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Do you want Chechnya to become part of Russia?

This is the deputy supreme shaman of Russia screaming at full capacity about the fate of the Rashka

We hope you put on a tin foil hat before watching?

This is some kind of severe form of an incurable disease

It’s also touching to see something like this against the background of the lack of normal repairs in the house and the slaughter in the background.

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