Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 29

24 January 2023

Video selection

Well, that’s it, the rise in prices has finally won, if only he had added that in Russia any rise in prices is prohibited

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

An explanation from film producer Aleksandr Rodnyansky why good Russians cannot get rid of fascist power themselves

Operation retribution from Rogozin

Pevtsov tells how to take away citizenship from Russians who fled mobilization

For some reason he himself is not at the front

Portion of selected grains

Propaganda in Crimea began to speak Ukrainian

It’s not clear what audience the content is for, but it’s very interesting

For the first time Putin did not lie

Rutskoi expressed his opinion to propagandists

Yes, if it weren’t for Putin, the Russians would have been surrounded by NATO! No, not a good example. Yes, if it weren’t for him, Russia would not be respected! No, again a bad example. Yes, if not for him, who would have defended the Russian language... Again, no...

Urgent appeal to the Russians

You need to turn it on every day, 3 times and everything will work out..

Dudya has high views

This is the opinion of the Goblin, who has never been interesting to anyone, and the absolutely distraught Korchevnikov, who has become like a maniac. But no one takes their opinion into account, so you can just kill these two clowns

You can't change idiots...

Destroyed all propagandists based on facts live

The SVO is a failure, do you want to win? Summon 2 million Russian men and face death. Is this what you want?

He just tore the entire studio apart and didn’t even let me get a word in.

It was originally Russia

The sailing fellow came to give dubious interviews to RosTV. Well, it’s okay, he doesn’t have long to live.

In Kazakhstan, a deputy was deprived of his mandate and expelled from the party for supporting the war in Ukraine

Test tanks were made in Tula and sent to Berlin

The war between Russia and the West is no longer a hybrid, but almost real, - sad horse Lavrov

The head of the Council of Mothers and Wives, Olga Tsukanova, was removed from the plane in Samara

She was going to Moscow to convey an appeal to Bastrykin, but was taken to the police station. Russia in all its glory.

No Gulagu Vladimir Osechkin who went to the anti-Maidan

Gebbels TV is on fire today

A little more and Skabeeva will have a heart attack live

Spiritual strength at its best

Epiphany Bathing is this week's cringe sponsor.

If they rape you, endure it and enjoy it and don’t complain to your wife

Lives in Kazakhstan and lobbies the Russian world

Every English brothel has already lost up to 70 thousand pounds in January - Skabeeva

The mouthpiece of propaganda announced problems in British brothels, saying that due to railway strikes, clients cannot get to prostitutes.

Where does the information come from? Prostitute connections? Or just another mess from my head?

How Soloviev makes fakes

Write down the recipe and share with your friends, young fake shooters.

Kringe of the day from Lukashenko

Lukash took a disabled man for a ride, whose legs were blown off at the front and is undergoing rehabilitation in Belarus

We will all return to the 90s, our gadgets and communications will be turned off

Ritochka the beaver-eater no longer hides the fact that the United States, if desired, can turn all of Russia into a “Jurassic Park” with push-button phones and 2G communications

What about import substitution? Where are RusoPhone, RuTube, Z-net?

We are moving from SVO mode to Holy War mode

All 50 countries are fighting against the Russian Federation and they are Satanists. This is exactly what a crazy idiot thinks from whose mouth propaganda flows like a stream.

Maybe it's time to switch to "idiocy" mode and accept it?

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