Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 37

22 February 2023

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

Putin's address to the Federal Assembly

Neo-Nazis do not hide whose heirs they consider themselves to be; it is surprising that no one in the West notices this, because they do not care who they rely on in the war against Russia - Putin.

It is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield - Putin

It is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield - Putin

Look what they are doing in the West. Pedophilia is becoming the norm, priests are endorsing same-sex marriages—Pynya is completely devastated.

“Lord forgive me, they don’t know what they’re doing.”

We have a responsibility to protect our children from degradation and degeneration, and we will do so. - Putin.

It would be nice to protect ourselves from degradation, but somehow it didn’t work out.

Putin started talking about equipping Russia's nuclear forces: at least 91% of them are new.

From the statements:

Whoever takes the path of betrayal will be held accountable by law.

Millions of people in the West understand that they are being led to spiritual disaster.

Not all issues have been resolved; we need to understand each issue.

“We all understand how unbearably hard it is for the wives, sons, and parents of fallen soldiers.”

Russia does not need to borrow abroad, bow down, beg for money - Putin.

Meanwhile, the face of the head of the Russian Central Bank Nabiullina.

Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 37

We know how to be friends, keep our word, we won’t let anyone down, we don’t hesitate to help, little girl.

Also stated that:

Our ancestors passed on Russia to us, but we need to preserve it and pass it on.

All elections will be held in strict accordance with the law.

It’s time to understand that for the West, rich Russians are second-class outsiders.

A rally against tariff increases is taking place in the forest in Yekaterinburg

People with placards are demanding that the increase in electricity bills be cancelled.

The participants of the action were given a canvas on which they write wishes to the authorities: “The officials are greedy, leave, so that you choke.”

“Sanctions don’t apply to us,” they said

In Sydney, about 1.5 thousand Russians, who had previously fled the Russian world, took part in a rally

In support of Russia and the war in Ukraine

Everything is fine

Everything is sinking and getting stuck

Cook Prigozhin is whining about the situation that the Wagnerites have with ammunition.

Apparently, the Wagner PMC soldiers won’t be able to see any shells, since even Prigozhin himself, with his “acquaintances and connections,” was unable to resolve this issue.

Girkin, who was unlucky with his interlocutor

Another situation

Why do people need to know about punctures at the front - Beaver Eater's hubby

The idiot from the zombie box is shouting that society does not need to know about the problems of the army - this is a matter within the army. “Publication of problems affects faith in victory,” emphasizes Beaver-Papa.

The people simply found out the truth and propaganda rebelled...

Carnival of interesting stories from Lukashenko

Kringe from NTV. The prophet-mathematician predicted the date of Zelensky's death

Feed cotton wool correctly

Crimea is reliably protected

I wonder if after the de-occupation there will be the same statements?

Lavrov__ “Attempts to isolate Russia have failed”

Meanwhile, Lavrov's list of recent trips: Eswatini, Mali, South Africa, Eritrea, Sudan, Mauritania, Angola

Lenin was a tank driver in World War II

An alternative history of the union is in front of you. So this is where Putin got the information that Ukraine was created by Lenin

Mommy's detectives figured it all out, oh no

Why do they carry game, but I am ashamed?

Z-patriot who is ready to happily give her four sons to war

She proudly announced that she would give birth again

Typical Russian woman, huh.

“Kyiv in 3 days” evolved into “Poland in an hour”

The “collective West,” according to Peskov, is not ready “for peaceful initiatives”

With a terrorist country, only forceful methods of resolving conflicts work. Therefore, yes. It's like that

Agent Girkin assesses the Ukrainian army of 2014 and 2022

In Balashikha they decided to hold a very strange patriotic action

The essence of the action is unclear, but it’s probably better to open the doors to schoolchildren than to go to war

1 comment
28 February 2023
3 405 comments
На этот бред не могу реагировать спокойно! rage

З.Ы. в моём слове "БЛЯААААААААААДЬ!!!!!!!!!!" дикий треш металл!
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