Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 31

31 January 2023

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

In the meantime, we are discussing what is best for Russians now. Cuba, North Korea, or Iran

Allah Akbar, Orthodox

Without water and heat, even without shelling: typical everyday life in Russia

A mother from Chelyabinsk had to threaten a hunger strike so that officials would turn on hot water in her house, which had not been available for almost a year. And the water was turned on, but the next day the heating was turned off.

Directed by Robert B Weide.

In Krasnodar, a married couple was harshly detained in a restaurant for having a personal conversation about the fighting in Ukraine

One of the visitors reported on them.

Olesya and Alexey Ovchinnikov were laid face down on the floor, handcuffed and kept in this position for about an hour.

Then a report was drawn up against them for petty hooliganism and they were detained overnight until the trial. The Ovchinnikovs still have a 9-year-old daughter at home.

Freedom of speech? No, we haven't heard

Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 31

In Russia, the vertical of power and a firm hand have always ended in chaos, war and devastation

This is an excerpt from the debate between politician Vladimir Ryzhkov and Zhirinovsky from 2004 on the still independent NTV. What can you say now, in 2023, after such words? And what is Ryzhkov wrong about?

Everything was obvious back in 2004...

An archived video of Zhirinovsky went viral online

He then declared that “the most terrible events will happen in Iran,” and that the Third World War will begin.

“Everyone will simply forget what Ukraine is, because Iran is not the DPRK, or Vietnam, or Kosovo. The most terrible events will happen here... We are talking about the Third World War,” said Zhirinovsky.

Where were you when we fought for Ichkeria

Kadyrov accused Ukraine and Poland of not helping him fight against Russia.

This don-don seems to be broken, bring another one

Heroes of the Russian Army are returning home, and this is just the beginning

Girkin spoke about Putin's doubles

For such a thing I will shoot you and your mother

The Armenian ran into a Russian man, who spat on the car window on which the Z symbol was depicted.

Strange Armenian, to be honest. Defending the swastika when just recently a war almost broke out

Why did you, bitch, surrender Slavyansk

Prigozhin invited Strelkov-Girkin to fight in Wagner. He agreed to enter into negotiations. Negotiations began, Girkin seemed to agree to come to Lugansk to continue the process. Well, today Prigozhin made this wonderful comment, after which Girkin refused.

Later, Girkin’s friend wrote down a reply to Prigozhin.

It would be more likely that both would devour each other and that would be the end of it.

It seems Rudolfych will no longer invite Yasha to his broadcast

Like looking into the water. Boris Nemtsov (TVS, 06/02/2002)

What timbre, how many emotions

How can you scream when it comes to the concept of “for Russia”

Crimeans answered whether Putin will give up Crimea

“Business is squeezed out, women are raped, money is an ass” - a Crimean resident about the arrival of Russians in Crimea

But we know for sure that no one will ask him, he will give it right away

Who's talking about what, and Milonov is all about assholes

Lavrov continues to look for allies in Africa

Akuna-matata, give them spears and camels already, let them go to “assvade” Ukraine

Leopard vs Camel? Interesting

Life hack on how to convince parents and protect them from Kremlin propaganda

Lukashenko flew to Zimbabwe there

At the airport, the Belarusian dictator for some reason said to the President of the Republic, Emmerson Mnangagwa: “Did you think I wouldn’t find you?”

Everything is clear with the allies of dictators

We can repeat it continues

In the Neftekamsk 9th school, a food distribution point was recreated during the siege of Leningrad. The students received a 125-gram piece of bread using special coupons for the day of the final lifting of the siege of Leningrad.

Before the Leopards arrived in Ukraine, the occupiers had already received instructions on how to destroy them.

We are waiting for a message from Konashenkov about the elimination of 300 leopards in one day

No, well, the priest won’t say bullshit

They all went completely crazy there

“The flames of hell will be lit, the gates of hell will open, and demons will visibly run around Kyiv,” all trumpets are blown on a propaganda program

Yeah, cocaine is good apparently...

Poll in Moscow about the decision to supply tanks to Ukraine

Another batch of cringe from Dzhigurda and Volochkova

Well, what a country - such are its cultural figures

Complete cringe from the inhabitants of a great country

Putin, send troops to the council of mothers

Here are mothers howling in despair, but one thing is not clear: why is no one indignant when their sons are sent to die at the front? Everyone is happy with everything, right?

Today is poll day

The Russians were asked what else they would like to ban in Russia.

The answers killed

Today the new American Ambassador Lynn Tracy arrived at the Russian Foreign Ministry

On this occasion, a crowd of children criticized American policy was gathered outside the ministry building.

Even whatman paper and posters are the same size.

I feel sorry for the dog

Solovyov is getting worse and worse

This time I started a hurray about “Ukroreich” and “little Bandera”. Idiot...

Country of double standards

Propaganda is pouring in, the front is pouring in, everything is pouring in...

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