russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for January 28

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
29 January 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- And so in Russia there is a fight against fascism

- The incidence of syphilis and hepatitis has sharply increased in Russia

According to Rosstat, the number of detected cases of syphilis in October 2022 was 38% higher than in October 2020, and increased by 129% compared to October 2020.

But we need to go and save the Ukrainians

- Russians are Russians

Photo 1: Russian statement about the destruction of Abrams near Bakhmut

Photo below: the same destroyed Abrams, only in Iraq

Mamkin's Fake Throwers

- And now let's move on to important news

- #losses of invaders as of 28.01

🔻+800 (125510) deaths of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️Lieutenant Colonel Vladislav Ivanov.

▪️mobik captain Yuri Chikharev;

▪️ Chief of Staff 674 Obs Major Oleg Gorbenko

- The Kremlin is preparing for major strategic operations in the next six months, — ISW.

Recent limited Russian ground attacks in Zaporozhye may be aimed ( to divert Ukrainian forces and create conditions for an offensive in Lugansk region, according to ISW experts.

- The US will go to war with China in two years, — Air Force General Mike Minihan in a memo to his subordinates.

In addition, Minikhan called ( subordinates by the end of February, report on measures to prepare for hostilities with China.

- Ukraine expects 24 modern fighters from partners, — ElPais.

Speaker of the Command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces Ignat added in an interview de-los-aliados-internacionales.html) that the American F-16 fighters are a priority for Ukraine. However, the French Rafale combat aircraft and the Swedish Gripen are also being considered as options.

- Shooters all.

He refused to fight in the PMC "Wagner" and will remain a couch whiner.

- Applicants from the temporarily occupied territories will be able to enter Ukrainian universities remotely this year.

"Schoolchildren who are registered and located in the temporarily occupied territory will be able to enter them remotely without passing the NMT", — according to the message of the Ministry of Reintegration.

- Ukraine will boycott the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris if athletes from Russia and Belarus are allowed to participate in them, even in a neutral status.

That's right, there is no place for athletes from the country of murderers of children and civilians next to civilized people.

- The dumb-headed prigozhin piled on a cringe and wrote an open letter to US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen:

"PMC"Wagner" asks for your approval to open a branch of our organization in the United States to improve interaction with the US Department of the Treasury.

- The Pentagon insists on sending F-16s to Ukraine, — Politico.

According to ( by three people familiar with the discussions, a group of senior military officials are quietly pushing the Pentagon to approve sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine to help our country defend itself against Russian missiles and drones.

- In my opinion, they are not liked here

- Beat the Iranonazis!

- The list of objects in Iran that were hit by missiles has become known:

IRGC Headquarters

Special forces base of the IRGC "Quds"

Center for the production of ammunition and UAVs
Film An oil refinery.
Film Plant for the production of weapons.

Military bases in Hamadan and Keredzh.

After the strike on a secret Iranian plant in the mountains, an earthquake of 5.9 points occurred.

- Take an injection. We have an escalation here.

- Israel started NWO on the territory of Iran. Al Arabiya

- The head of the border committee of the Republic of Belarus said that the Poles specifically make "gates in the fence at the border" in order to "throw people out" through them; to Belarus

- We do not throw it, but carefully fold it and bury it!

- General Peter Pavel is a staunch supporter of Ukraine's support

- Memes

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