russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 2

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
3 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Mobiks were captured by Kharkiv ultras

Our morning starts with coffee, they have — a bit different…

- Poland has begun construction of a 2.5-meter-high barbed wire fence on the border with Russia

It is necessary to take an example from Poland

- Beautiful landscapes of Ukraine

Is it still life with finished off occupier?

- Did Putin outplay everyone again?

Erdogan announced the resumption of work of the "grain corridor" "after negotiations with Shoigu", and the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed the resumption of participation in the Black Sea grain initiative.

The reaction of the Russians to the resumption of the "grain corridor" — priceless!

Part of the Black Sea Fleet — destroyed, manipulation — did not help, Putin knelt down and thanked Erdogan ...

- There is no chapel for absurdity

In Yakutia, residents cannot take part in online voting for providing the Internet to them, because they do not have it...

- Conscripts, are you ready for the black bags?

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense Andrey Kartapolov said that "Russian conscripts can be sent to serve in the regions adjacent to the combat zone — for example, in the Belgorod and Kursk regions, in the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol"

That is, the conscripts will go to the front-line regions, and there, who knows? We warned about this. Recently, actions and statements of the Russian authorities — too predictable...

- Here you have a bathhouse and hairdressers, but there are no lice

In Elani, after situations with pediculosis, mobile baths were installed and hairdressers were invited as a bonus

“The steam is excellent. Venikov, however, no. But there are birch trees at the training ground - we are solving the issue with brooms, », — said State Duma deputy Maxim Ivanov.

Probably they just decided to bring beauty among the chmobiks. To surrender clean in captivity?

- Bad news for Russians?

According to one of the propaganda channels, news from the front for the next couple of days will upset...

- A US military plane "painted a penis" in the sky near a Russian airbase

The pattern in the sky remained on the screens of Russian radars, tirelessly guarding this area between Syria and Cyprus. They also intended the message of the American pilots

Aerial art...

- Mobilization is over, but the agendas remain

According to a resident of Ufa, today he was given a summons and invited to mobilization on November 17th. The summons was handed to the man at the military registration and enlistment office, where he was invited by phone.

Is there never too much meat?

- How many army "tops" of the Russian army were denazified?

According to OSINT researchers, 1,402 Russian officers were denazified in Ukraine (that's about 5.7 people a day). Moreover, senior officers make up 26% of the total.

We haven't started yet...

- A short story in three pictures

September 25 — mobilization and joy, food "to save and restore order"

October 27 — died

The end...

- #losses of invaders as of 11/02/2022

+800 dead Russian Armed Forces

Lieutenant Colonel – Vyacheslav Zangiev

Cossack – Nikolai Fedotov

Captain – Alexey Nekrasov

Captain – Alexey Mikhalev

Is this a new bioweapon from the US? Battle lice?

- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan invited Putin to leave all the occupied territories in Ukraine and urgently move on to direct negotiations with Vladimir Zelensky, — Turkish media write about it.

- And here are the first satellite images of the consequences of the drone attack in Sevastopol. In the November 1 satellite imagery, the Admiral Grigorievich-class ship was in tow on the high seas.

- For the umpteenth time they are howling about negotiations: Moscow is ready for any contacts in the negotiation process on Ukraine, while it will proceed from the national interests — Mashka-drunk.

- 97% of Ukrainians believe that Poland — it is a state friendly to Ukraine.

- No more pouring for this table: Medvedev allowed the lifting of the moratorium on the death penalty in Russia and warned that a variety of "zhovto-Blakyt" began to operate on the territory of Russia; saboteurs.

- And here are the same guarantees.

- Exactly what Spain was asked for: the country will transfer four Hawk air defense systems and anti-tank missile systems to Ukraine.

- How to prepare for a difficult winter? Briefly about the main infographic.

- Rusna was banned from selling vodka in the Kherson region. Now they will definitely make a "step of good will."

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