In Berlin, climate activists poured paint on the facades of luxury boutiques (6 photos + 1 video)

23 April 2023

"Saviors of the planet" believe that there should be no rich people, after all, because of their lifestyle, the ice is melting and the planet is suffering.

Berlin eco-activists from the European organization "The Last generation" attacked luxury boutiques located on the fashionable boulevard Kurfürstendamm. Like their colleagues from London before, they poured orange paint on the shop windows and facades of boutiques of famous luxury brands.

After the act of vandalism, climate activists posed for pictures in front of cameras with placards that said: "We are no longer we can afford the rich”, and also “Your luxury = our climate collapse".

Later Berlin division of the "Last Generation" published a post on social networks in which he opposed the rich. According to them words, the luxury displayed on the Kurfürstendamm contrasts strongly with the real life of ordinary people who can hardly afford weekly grocery shopping.

The organization also said that the lifestyle of wealthy Germans contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases a thousand times more than normal person.

So who is to blame for the melting glaciers!

After some time, the activists were detained by the police and taken to the department. Their further fate is unknown. But it is obvious that nothing serious will happen to them, otherwise they would not be so bold.

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