russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for January 3

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
4 January 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Briefly about the clowning of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

27 HIMARS they destroyed, well, well...

- Kadyrovtsy raped a mobik and he hanged himself

Soldier of the RF Armed Forces found hanged in the "LPR", in the entrance near the location of the mobiks

He left a suicide note, where he tells his wife that the Kadyrovites from the Akhmat battalion "rule" the Russians at the front, beat out money and even rape — one of the soldiers decided to wash away the shame in this way after the incident with the shaitans.

Great job guys. Start killing each other...

- #losses of invaders as of 02.01

+750 (108190) deaths of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

Junior Sergeant — Alexey Gil

Priest of the 76th Airborne Assault Division of the Airborne Forces — Alexander Tsyganov

The leader of the Balakovo organized criminal group, PMC officer — Andrei Berezhny.

- The Russian attack on Bakhmut failed. Completely, — British intelligence.

Ukrainian Armed Forces received reinforcements in this area, so the Russians will not succeed in capturing the city in the near future.

- The Turkish newspaper Hurriet published previously unknown details of the exchange of Ukrainian soldiers for Viktor Medvedchuk.


The request for an exchange came from the Russians.

Before the exchange, the Russian Federation put forward a condition that 5 leaders of "Azov" should remain in Turkey.

On Day X, planes from Russia and Ukraine landed one by one at Ankara's Esenboga airport "under the supervision of Turkish intelligence officers."

The exchange went "without any problems". "Since then, the commanders of the Azov battalion have been guests of Turkey."

The exchange itself Hurriet designates in the title of the article as "the brightest event of the past year" and the largest exchange since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

- Burning Rusnya is already here.

Russian deputies and propagandists called for declaring singer Valery Meladze a "foreign agent" and deprive of Russian citizenship for the phrase "glory to the heroes"; at a corporate party in Dubai.

- Thanks to the warm weather in Ukraine, electricity consumption has decreased, power plants produce enough energy to cover the load, — This is reported by Ukrenergo.

Consumption is expected to increase in the evening, so restrictions are expected after 14:00.

- The EU does not agree with Ukraine's calls to impose sanctions on European pharmaceutical companies that are still operating in the Russian Federation, — Politico.

Medicines — the only product that the EU has exempted from sanctions against the Russian Federation for humanitarian reasons, the newspaper writes.

- In Aleksandrovka, Mykolaiv region, a new torture chamber was found, – SBU.

The Russians seized the house where they kept and brutally tortured locals who did not want to cooperate with the enemy.

- «Mobilization– this is salvation.

In Russia, women who no longer have husbands turned to Putin with a demand to announce a new wave of mobilization, deprive other women of their husbands, close the borders for men and shoot soldiers on the spot for refusing to go on the attack.

When you want to get a new fret too much and share this experience with other women.

- SBL batteries were handed over to Ukrainian providers, which will help them work in the event of a power outage for 10-12 hours, — Mintsifra.

172 batteries preceived 29 providers from all regions of Ukraine: most of them went to Kharkiv, Donetsk, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv and Sumy — regions where the greatest difficulties with the Internet due to blackouts.

- Germany is ready to use frozen Russian assets to restore Ukraine, — Bloomberg.

But this will happen only if the allies do the same, and the solution of legal issues will be possible.

- Ukraine confiscated UAH 17 billion from Russian banks, — Prime Minister Shmygal.

According to him, the money will be directed to the restoration of destroyed facilities, the priority – residential buildings.

- In 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers plans to introduce mandatory pension savings, — added Denis Shmygal.

The reform is that all employed Ukrainians will have their own pension savings accounts. The funds will go to accounts from three sources: the contribution of employers, the contribution of the state on a parity basis with the employer, and voluntary contributions from citizens.

Tomorrow, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to hold telephone conversations with Vladimir Zelensky and Vladimir Putin.

This was announced by the representative of the Turkish President.

- Ukraine has created a command and control system similar to the American one, but much faster and cheaper, — WSJ.

Although the Ukrainian Delta system is still not as comprehensive as Western counterparts, their armies have a lot to learn from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in particular, the ability to improvise.

- Grandfather instructed ( to show films about "SVO" in Russian cinemas and “combating the spread of neo-Nazi and neo-fascist ideology.”

Sachets for leaky eyes are included with the tickets.

- How bad everything is in America, it turns out

- Druzhovka. Precision strike destroyed 100 Abrams tanks, 2 Hymars and 1000 Polish mercenaries

- Russian Z-Public has published an audio of torture of a 51-year-old resident of the occupied Gola Pristan, Kherson region, and, presumably, his wife. The sounds of torture and the screams of the father during the torture forced the 25-year-old son of the man to listen live on the phone.

- "I have nowhere to go with three children." In Yakutsk, a thousand families were left without heat at -45

January 1 at seven in the morning in Yakutsk there was an accident at a local electrical substation. More than a thousand families in minus 42 degrees were left without heat – Many residents had broken batteries in their homes, frozen sewer pipes and a septic tank. The authorities announced that there had been an accident at the substation and that there was no fault of the residents in the emergency, but they refused to change the burst batteries, destroyed equipment and property.

– We moved into our new house in December. We were very happy with the move. We did not buy a spare heat generator, as there were a lot of expenses. At 7-30, as the light went out, the house immediately began to freeze. Now I have nowhere to go with three children, – says mother of many children Sardana.

Even those residents who have relatives who are ready to shelter them for a while are afraid that without heating the house will freeze so that major repairs will be required. Others say that even the generator – too severe frosts.

But «patriots» more importantly, "Europe will freeze over"…

- European news

- Memes

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