A selection of videos of rocket attacks, shelling in Ukraine. Issue 77

22 December 2022

Constant shelling and missile attacks that occur in Ukraine. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

A gas pipeline exploded in Russian Chuvashia

Oh, a complicated gas pipeline exploded in Chuvashia: it transports gas from Western Siberia to Europe.

This is a Russian gas export pipeline built in the early 1980s. The gas pipeline crosses the Russian-Ukrainian border in the area of the Sudzha GIS in the Kursk region. It also has branches to the Turkish Stream and Central Asia.

Video of the consequences of the shelling of long-suffering Bakhmut

There are many fires in the city and the situation is obviously extremely difficult.

Krivoy Rog. After a recent arrival at a residential building, a girl who miraculously remained alive is pulled out from under the rubble

People's Deputy Alexander Fedienko publishes a video of one of the arrivals on December 16

According to him, this is a blow to the energy facility

Night drone attack on Kyiv. 9 Iranian mopeds were shot down, KMVA reports

This is what the explosions in Ukraine looked like from the window of an airplane in Moldova

This is what Ukrainian energy facilities look like after rocket attacks. The video showed DTEK

We smoked well. An installation at an oil and gas condensate field caught fire in the Irkutsk region

The fire covered an area of 1000 square meters

A terrorist fighter shot down a rocket with a machine gun somewhere near Kiev

A UAV flew into a power facility in the Bryansk region of Russia

The Belgorod People's Republic is restless again

The governor reports power line damage. Windows in houses were broken.

Meanwhile, the BNR is complaining about strange claps

In the Volgograd region, their own rockets fell

According to local residents, debris similar to rockets fell in the area. Let us note that it was from this area that Ukraine was fired upon.

There are also inscriptions in Russian on the missiles.

In Donetsk, a bash occurred in a restaurant where Rogozin was drinking

RosSMI writes that he was wounded in the back and butt, but, unfortunately, he survived.

A selection of videos of rocket attacks, shelling in Ukraine. Issue 77

In the Irkutsk region of the Russian Federation - a powerful explosion at an oil and gas field

On December 18, a large-scale fire started at an oil and gas field 600 km from Irkutsk in the Russian Federation.

The information was published in the Russian media RIA Novosti.

The publication claims that it caught fire at the Markov oil and gas condensate field. About 1 thousand square meters were engulfed in fire. m., the local governor said.

There is no word yet on what exact measures are being taken by the Russian authorities to overcome the fire. It is also unknown whether there were any casualties.

Let us note that the distance from the fire site to Ukraine is about 4 thousand km. Therefore, it is unlikely that the Russian government will blame the Ukrainian Armed Forces for an attack on an oil and gas field.


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