A selection of videos of rocket attacks, shelling in Ukraine. Issue 76

16 December 2022

Constant shelling and missile attacks that occur in Ukraine. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Rosneft oil refinery burns in Irkutsk region

This is the largest enterprise in northern Siberia.

Previously, by the way, it was among the top ten oil refineries

These are the sounds residents of Kyiv hear

The vile buzzing of the “martyrs” cannot be confused with anything.

Donetsk came under the heaviest shelling since 2014

This was reported by the so-called deputy head of the “DPR” Shutkina. The video shows footage of the shelling by the racists and its consequences.

The “Russian World” is devastation and death.

How to motivate Donetsk people to go to war against Ukraine? That's right, shoot yourself.

The Rusni BC warehouse in Irmino, Lugansk region recently blew up

A building damaged by the debris of a downed drone in the Shevchenkovsky district of Kyiv

Arrived at the Solemar Hotel in Zhelezny Port. They say there was a fatty fish (probably FSB officers)

Self-destruction is going well

An An-12BK military transport plane caught fire in Russia and urgently landed in Novosibirsk at Tolmachevo airport.

The fire occurred in the fourth engine. There is no official comment on the incident yet.

Tonight in the Bryansk region, Bavovnyatko created a rustle in military units

In the border town of Klimovo there is the central communications base of the Russian Federation - military unit 47144. And in Klintsy - military unit 12721. At the same time, the “governor” of the Bryansk region Alexander Bogomaz confirmed the information about the shelling, but said that the arrivals were on the territory of the industrial zone.

The video shows the consequences of the arrival. Question: what do military equipment do in the industrial zone?

This is what long-suffering Bakhmut looks like after another shelling from the Russian side

The fighting continues, our warriors are not going to leave the Russians alive and are taking revenge for every life taken and home destroyed.

Fusion tobacco in Klintsy

Video of a powerful explosion in Klintsy, Bryansk region from surveillance cameras. Oh, and you smoke great, Russians!

There are also reports of evening feasts in Kursk.

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