Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 18

22 December 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

Thank you for killing cannibals. Simonyan

Chmomonyan no longer snacks at all. In the fucking room everything is as usual - no changes...

Strelkov will go to The Hague

“If we lose, I’ll just go to The Hague for life, and then they’ll send me to Kyiv and hang me. And I have no doubts,” the famous warrior decided

No one will hang you, you idiot, you will just rebuild every centimeter of destroyed cities...

So kill at least one

And this is just the head of the Moscow Department of Culture calling for the killing of Ukrainians.

Nothing special.

With such forces we will not reach Kyiv

The propaganda machine has broken down

“If necessary, the United States will supply Ukraine with missiles that will reach Moscow,” propagandists discuss in fright.

They all got confused somehow...

Ukraine will try to strike Moscow on New Year's Eve, says agent Girkins

It's better to die today than tomorrow

I came to an agreement: “It’s better to die today than tomorrow.” You will die “better today than tomorrow” so that I can die “better tomorrow than today”

Yes, if he leans back today it will be better than if tomorrow.

You want to eat and replace the old trough with a brand new Lada. Send your grandson to die in Ukraine

This fantastic video is shown on federal channels of the Russian Federation. Enjoy.

Goals achieved. All that's left is to defeat NATO

If the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed in April, why then did they retreat from near Kyiv?

This is just some kind of sacrifice. Raise a lamb to get 3,000,000 rubles

American Dream: Anyone can succeed in life. The Russian dream: to give birth to a son with the letter V on his forehead, to send this son to war, to receive "coffin" - Bingo!

No money for a phone - go to Ukraine to kill Ukrainians

Why deal with the bosses who are delaying wages? It’s easier to go and kill Ukrainians and it’s not a fact that you’ll come back alive. Another cringe ad from the Russian Federation.

Here we go again. They say we need to mobilize 3 million. And if anything happens, we are ready to “burn all of Europe and America”

Russians have no idea about infrastructure at all; their thinking is terribly superficial. Mobilize 3 million? Easily! Are there enough military registration and enlistment office employees? What to wear and where to keep them? How to transport? (I know, answer it yourself, but still)

Kadyrov's appeal to citizens of the Russian Federation

Another tech blogger banned for voicing texts from propagandists

Died in battle with the Nazis. Died for the right to speak Russian

This is how regional heads reassure mothers who lost their children at the front.

This is so ridiculous that it just doesn't fit my ears.

Go die for a loan

A short life description of the average Russian: grow up, take out a mortgage, join the army and go to war in an attempt to pay it off, die ingloriously

And this is what they advertise. Kringe

Feast your eyes on the Z-babies

The parents should be hit over the head for washing the boy's head... and for using chat roulettes that are not according to their age.

Excellent drama, excellent plot, logical outcome

Prigozhin shot in the direction of Zelensky

Zek Prigozhin, having heard that Zelensky was in Bakhmut, staged a circus on camera!

He scored Zelensky's "shooter" and forced his sub-soldiers to shoot in the air (transmit a message to Zelensky in Morse code).

What a clown, you better remember what you did in the zone, cockerel

Racist MP Pevtsov said that the “strength” of Russians is that they know how to die in large numbers

The presenter echoes him: “It’s not scary to die for your homeland.”

Guys, here they are again begging for negotiations

“Russia is always open to constructive peace negotiations,” plywood Shoigu.

First they tried to strangle him, then they put him in an oven, and then they threw him out onto the street.

A 2-year-old child died and was found in the snow. The baby was disturbing his grandparents, who were having a feast.

What's wrong with these freaks?

Soloviev has a fit, imitating Georgian speech

“We suddenly realized that we have a fantastic government”

The propagandist rejoices at the “annexation” of new territories and stigmatizes the Russians who left.

This needs to be listened to.

Krinzhatina of the day from Kirkorov and Baskov

“People’s Artists” dressed up in pioneer costumes and sang the Tatu group’s song “They Won’t Catch Up With Us.”

This looks as creepy as possible

Krinzhatina from Russian drunks

“We are Russian drunks who raised the economy of the Baltic states”

Some Russian grandfather forgot to take his pills and installed TikTok

The face of Russian fascism

You will only be able to watch “On Washington” on TV, and even then for a short time

London is close

Propagandists discuss “the need for strikes on the capital of England” and more.

Lugansk “Putin’s troops” offer Messi to prove that his victory at the World Cup is not yet the pinnacle of his career

To really become the best, he needs to train in Lugansk and win the Russian championship.

Meme of the day. The RF Armed Forces achieved the lowest mortality rate in the history of military medicine during the “invasion.” Shoigu

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov arrived in Belarus. Penya and Shoigu are expected to arrive soon

They will intimidate the Potato Fuhrer.

Russian Minister of Assassinations Sergei Shoigu personally inspected a group of Russian troops

Mobilization not completed

The military commissar claims that citizens are sent summonses for voluntary service. And then they go to the NWO zone.

There is no mobilization

In the second video:

The saga around the Russian mobilization continues: the military commissar came up with another version, although he previously said that the interview was old.

“There really was an interview, but in a slightly different context. My personal desire was expressed,” he said. That is, there was a statement and it is not old.

We, like fascists, attacked the country, and they laugh at me

The Russian burst into tears because of the war in Ukraine.

We will win. But don’t be surprised or panic if something lands somewhere

Propagandists openly warn Russians about possible arrivals.


US air defense systems are appearing on our borders

Something we have been struggling with for a huge number of years.”

Propaganda has broken down and does not understand how this happened - after all, Russia was “forced” to attack Ukraine precisely so that there would be no NATO on its borders.

1 comment
24 December 2022
3 309 comments
Жалкие ущербные существа. Упорото верят во всю чухню и не видят насколько они смешны.
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