This is the Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 11

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
23 October 2022

Lawlessness of the military police for refusing to sign a contract

Meeting of the military of the DPRK and South Korea

It looks a lot like a meeting between Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers and chumps...

Those mobilized from the Krasnodar region complained that they were thrown into the field “like dogs.”

With Kalash and bayonet knives, but without cartridges. They themselves don’t know where they are. Among the complainants was New People deputy Anton Kuligin, who actively supported the war before mobilization;

Graveyard continues

Russians, Putin is leaving you to certain death. Why they are rowing everyone - look at the video. Do you want to live? Avoid subpoenas Do not fall for threats and blackmail Are you in a war? Surrender, call: +38 066 580 34 98 +38 093 119 29 84

In the video, the Russian military themselves complain that, alas, there is no firewood

“The Belgorod region belongs to sparsely forested regions and it is very important for us to understand that the wood will not fall to the enemy,” Deputy Governor of the Belgorod Region Yulia Shchedrina explained why the mobilized are not given firewood and logs for trenches. Attention: the Ministry of Defense must send a request for firewood to the regional administration, so that the enemy does not take away the firewood, the deputy governor explained.

Our song is good - start over

In the Sverdlovsk region, the radio again began playing an audio message calling on those who have mobilization orders to appear at the military registration and enlistment office without a summons. Russian radio, it turns out. And we warned you that the fun would begin...

Invaders in their natural habitat - a pig farm

About 20 chmobiks are being held in the basements of the LPR because of their refusal to go to the front

The homeland does not abandon its own people, and if it does, it means they are not their own in the basements

Very funny little guy, you can’t take your eyes off him

Another dissatisfaction of the chmoboks, they don’t pay the promised benefits, you see

A field bell tower and a priest in camouflage are fighting against the Nazis, Banderaites and the “brotherly people”

If you're wondering what the hell is in the title, you're welcome! If there are no questions, everything is sad for you

Glad to try, ready to fight

Mobik is very pleased with the equipment that the state provided him with: children's tactical gloves; ankle boots, in which you can freeze your feet in winter; 1 liter thermos, etc. The Second Army of the World never ceases to amaze

A rusty helmet, a shovel and into battle - here it is, the mighty Russian army

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