23-year-old girl disappointed in love froze her eggs (3 photos)

Yesterday, 17:37

23-year-old model Sabrina Lowe from Brazil, who was not allowed to attend her friend's wedding because she was "too pretty", has frozen her eggs because she can't find a decent man to start a family with. According to the influencer, her failures in building romantic relationships have changed her worldview.

"I don't believe that the perfect partner for starting a family will appear at the right time for me, so I decided to take control of my life and make sure that I will always be ready for this. In addition, I want to start a discussion about motherhood and the expectations of modern women from society," she says.

Sabrina recently broke up with her boyfriend, who led a double life. The couple's two-year relationship ended when the blogger saw her beloved walking arm in arm with another woman.

"When I found out about it, I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I was completely blinded by love. I sincerely believed that he was my safe haven, but in reality, it turned out that it was not," Lowe admits.

The girl downloaded a monitoring app on her ex's phone, supposedly for security reasons, but later used this program to track his movements.

"The GPS showed that he was driving to places other than where he said he was going. One day, I decided to follow him and saw him in a shopping center with his mistress," she says.

Despite all attempts to save the relationship, the couple eventually broke up. Now the model has promised to focus on self-love and has even decided to freeze her eggs.

By the way, Sabrina Lowe became famous on the Internet thanks to her outrageous behavior: the blogger regularly shares photos and videos of her controversial antics. In particular, not long ago she dyed her dog pink to match her outfit.

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