Bride did not invite "too beautiful" friend to the wedding due to fear of competition (2 photos)

Today, 17:00

According to Sabrina, spending so much time and money planning a wedding and then ending up fighting over something so insignificant is a huge blow to her.

Brazilian influencer Sabrina Lowe was supposed to be a bridesmaid at a wedding and couldn't wait to walk her friend down the aisle. However, her joy was short-lived. According to the girl, the bride suddenly decided that she didn't want to see her competitor at the ceremony.

"I had everything planned out. I had even bought my dress, paid for my hair and makeup. However, two weeks before the wedding, I received a WhatsApp message that turned everything upside down. The bride explained that my slim figure might attract too much attention to me," says the aggrieved 23-year-old blogger, who paid £245 for the luxurious gown.

Now Sabrina, who boasts more than 87,400 followers on Instagram, is devastated by the row with her best friend.

"I never thought that weight would be an issue in this situation. It's really hard to come to terms with the fact that my presence is perceived in such a negative light, especially from people I considered close friends," Lowe added.

According to the influencer, losing so much time and money over something so insignificant is an extremely difficult blow for her.

"This situation has made me rethink a lot about true friendship and what it means when we are valued for our personal qualities, and not for our appearance. It is amazing how people feel like they have the right to judge someone's body without thinking about the impact it can have on their self-esteem," she concluded.

The girl hopes that this unfortunate story will teach others not to judge people by their appearance.

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