The horse fell through the floor of the stable and got stuck between the floors (5 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
10 June 2024

A large animal rescue team was sent to the farm, but their efforts were insufficient. With the support of firefighters and veterinarians, rescuers freed the animal 4 hours later.

Animal rescuers and firefighters from Massachusetts (USA) arrived at the farm to help the horse named Valcour, who fell through the floor of his stall and became trapped between the floors.

The incident occurred on Monday, June 3. The MSPCA's large animal rescue team was dispatched to help the Lipizzan gelding. Rescuers noted that the horse had fallen through the floor of its stall and was trapped between floors.

The Ipswich Fire Department, SRH Veterinary Services and a team of Northeastern Massachusetts Technical Rescue teamed up to develop a plan to save the animal.

"It took about four hours and everyone's help, but we were able to get this sweet horse out without life-threatening injuries. Valcour is expected to make a full recovery and his owners say he is walking normally," the Instagram post said.

Pictures of the animal being rescued went viral. Many people congratulated the rescue team on their success.

"Great job! I'm so glad the horse is okay." "Oh my God! How scary! Thank you for the baby being okay and as always, thank you for your wonderful job." "Poor baby. Thank you God for the team that saved him,” “I can imagine how the whole floor would collapse! Poor baby,” “I can’t imagine how you can keep a horse on some second floor,” they wrote.

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