russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 30

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
31 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- 2 rubles, 26 kopecks was received by the wife of the mobilized as payments

A woman is indignant that she cannot complain openly, because a man can be sent to the front line for this. We are talking about her husband from the Tyumen detachment "Ermak", which is located near Energodar in the Zaporozhye region. The Russian woman shared that her husband was an artilleryman by profession, but he was put in the infantry, while the tankmen – snipers.

Is someone surprised? We — No

- Mobik shot his wife in Petrozavodsk

A man was allowed to go home for the day off, but after another quarrel, he took a weapon and shot at his wife. 47-year-old Victoria died on the spot

"Whether there will be more. This is a call for everyone!" — this is how a colleague of the deceased reacted, equating the situation with the consequences of the war in Afghanistan and Chechnya

Well, are you waiting for your boys?

- Attacks on Moscow?

Rospropaganda began to fear and warn Muscovites about attacks on the city

Another provocation? Or they will beat themselves up and say — APU

- #losses of invaders as of 12/30/2022

+690 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

Colonel – Marat Gadzhibalaev

Lieutenant Colonel of Justice – Evgeny Rybakov

Senior Lieutenant of the Border Service of the FSB – Roman Bazhenov

Lieutenant – Ilya Borisenko

- Help will be. Joe Biden signed the US budget bill for Fiscal Year 2023 for $1.7 trillion.

Of which $44.9 billion is planned to be sent to support Ukraine and NATO allies.

- The Western Group of Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine may be headed by Lieutenant General Yevgeny Nikiforov.

He will become at least the fourth unit commander after the invasion and will replace Colonel General Sergei Kuzovlev, who was appointed three months ago. Previously, Nikiforov participated in the disastrous "offensive on Kyiv" for Russia.

- Ukraine will receive ATACMS missiles with a range of up to 300 kilometers, tanks and modern drones, — Foreign Minister Kuleba.

“Next year, yes. But it will also depend on the situation on the battlefield,” — the minister clarified.

- An AWACS A-50 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces flies from Belarus back to Russia.

By the way, these planes detect targets and give points for strikes to fighter pilots. He has been in Belarus since December 14.

- What happened, does anyone know?

After strikes on the aerodrome of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Engels, Russia reduced the number of aircraft at the aerodrome by half.

- Communication with journalists? No thanks. They are contagious.

"Putin's health — is a matter of state security, so his communication with the press in the foreseeable future will not be the same as before the pandemic", — the brush of the Kremlin of sands.

- Since January 5, Russia will start a new wave of mobilization, — This was stated by the head of the GUR MO Kirill Budanov.

According to him, the beginning of a new wave of mobilization is associated with significant losses at the front and a shortage of manpower from the enemy.

Also, Budanov noted that Putin does not have objective information about the course of the war and lives in an information vacuum.

- In 2022, the Russians carried out 10 massive attacksmissile attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

But the Ukrainians managed to resist these attacks, shoot down hundreds of missiles and drones and save light and heat.

- This is a twist: remember how on September 17 in Kherson they filmed an allegedly "counter-terrorist" operation?

It turned out that it was a friendlier and Rospropaganda was broadcasting live the murder of his own rashists by other scumbags.

- Ukraine managed to save and withdraw from the attack at the beginning of a full-scale war at least 7 heavy military transport aircraft Il-76.

All of them crossed the Ukrainian-Polish border at low altitude with transponders turned off and landed at the Polish Deblin airbase in the early morning of February 25, 2022.

- Ukraine has become a prisoner of the policy of the pro-Russian Orban, — Foreign Minister Kuleba in an interview with Politico.

Recall, on December 12, the EU struck a deal with Hungary to override Budapest's veto on an 18 billion euro aid package for Ukraine. In exchange for lifting the veto, member states agreed to reduce the amount of EU funds for Hungary, which were frozen due to rule of law problems, from 7.5 billion euros to 6.3 billion euros.

But there is also a positive side to what was perceived as Orban's victory over the rest of the EU. The commission found a way to make this financial assistance to Ukraine possible without securing a vote from Hungary, Kuleba said.

- Because of Putin's faces, the show was cancelled.

In Milan (Italy), a wave of protests arose due to the fact that the ballet dancer Polunin had three tattoos depicting the dictator on his body.

The artist is to perform in the ballet "Rasputin – dance drama", which was originally planned for 2019, but was postponed due to the pandemic.

- Who knows where you can buy such a thing?

- On December 27, the command staff of the 37th separate motorized rifle brigade died in Ukraine, the headquarters of which was hit by high-precision American weapons in the Kherson region. Brigade commander Marat Gadzhibalaev, as well as 11 officers, ensigns and sergeants were killed. The brigade commander recently served time.

- And leave

- Artist Sébastien Blondet

The most "terrible" first picture: in the middle of tender greenery, in the middle of spring, in the middle of life itself, the one thanks to whom I can see it and the one who will never meet a single spring again .... Let them be damned until the end of time the creatures that unleashed the war and those who present it as a necessity and a reason for pride.

- Normal. Normal. Average

- A new restaurant in Russia - an empire with a number of small peoples

- Illustration for "Necrophilia" Wikipedia page

- But this will not work, unfortunately. Hockey is out of politics! When it's necessary

- Well, yes, well, yes: in these camps, the competition reached as many as ten people per place. And everyone dreamed of getting there: after allto — ticket to life!

- Pa-home

- The price of gas in Europe fell to the pre-war level

- crazy

- That's the Jews in Russia, too, all.

- Against the background of news about the reduction in the supply of foreign medicines and the reduction in the production of our own, it looks hype.

Apteka, Novosibirsk

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