russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 26

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
27 October 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. Armed Forces fight back the enemy

- Russian women began to massively hand over to military registration and enlistment offices the addresses of ex-husbands who refuse to pay alimony

Women do this either out of a sense of revenge, or relying on large payments from “a huge allowance as much as 195,000 rubles”

- In the Belgorod region, a Russian military man shot a colleague, mistaking him for a Ukrainian saboteur

According to the mother of the victim, the company commander stated that her son died in a "shootout with Ukrainian servicemen," and the Russian military was forbidden to disclose the details of the death of a colleague.

Friendly fire

- Russia is trying to recruit former Afghan commandos for the war in Ukraine, writes the American magazine Foreign Policy.

According to the magazine, former members of the Commando Corps, the most combat-ready unit of the Afghan national army, trained by American and British instructors, who are in Afghanistan, receive messages from Russian recruiters promising generous rewards for participating in the war in Ukraine.

- The "veteran" of the "Russian spring", blinded and left without hands, is indignant that he was deprived of all the due payments

The motherland does not abandon its own!

- The Russians used a photo with smoke detectors in Slovenia taken 12 years ago to create a fake about the "dirty bomb of Ukraine"

- It became known where the materials for the creation of the "dirty bomb" come from

Is the room itself filled from a bunker suitcase?

- #loss of invaders as of 26.10

+ 480 dead RF Armed Forces:

Lieutenant Prygunov Dmitry from Yoshkar-Ola

Andreev Alexander, 76th Guards Air Assault Division

- Shoigu called the defense ministers of India and China and spoke about the possible use of a “dirty nuclear bomb” by Ukraine.

- Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog showed evidence of the use of Iranian drones in Ukraine. Photographs of the hull and motors of downed drones taken in Ukraine served as evidence.

- The crew of the large American aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush (CVN-77), which is in European waters, has declared its readiness to engage in battle with Russia, if necessary - Sky News.

- When they didn’t have time to come up with a new fairy tale and it was necessary to inflate the old one: Ukraine allegedly completed preparations for a “provocation with a“ dirty bomb.

- The Pentagon has successfully tested the components of a hypersonic weapon - Reuters.

- The US does not see any preparation of the Russian Federation for the use of a "dirty bomb" or tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, - White House.

- The threat of a nuclear strike from the Russian Federation is the highest since February 24 Amid rising tensions, CIA Director William Burns even visited Kyiv and promised Zelensky a continuous intelligence-sharing.

- Go, don't be a coward - in Russia they buried the "mobik", whom his wife forced to fight

Ilya Korolyov received the summons on September 27, but did not want to fight. The wife forced the man, they say, "go protect me and the children." On October 12, he was liquidated, the widow says she did not think that this could happen to her husband.

I wonder who her husband was supposed to protect from in a foreign country?

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