Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 34

12 February 2023

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

Careful, you might die of laughter

Mikhalkov has gone completely crazy. An old man saw the letter Z on the floor of a Moscow church and filmed the story

According to him, the letter appeared there more than 200 years ago, before the events in Ukraine began, which means “the Lord needs all this”

Protest in Russian: defrauded shareholders in Yekaterinburg kneel and appeal to Putin

More than 130,000 military personnel died, and he walks around touching bumps

“Come to the front? No, I’d rather hit the bumps in Arkhangelsk”

Cool President of the Russian Federation

20 pregnant Russian women detained in Argentina

They planned to enter Buenos Aires to give birth and obtain residency rights for themselves and citizenship for their unborn children

Argentina's National Migration Directorate called this a "lucrative business" run by Russian women and launched a judicial investigation.

What about “Russia is the best country”?

It’s easier to breathe in a trench than in prison - Prigogine the clown

He also added that the only ones who are more or less similar to prisoners are the militia.

War in Ukraine for the sake of Russian security

The zombie guy washed his head completely

“The invasion of Kyiv didn’t happen like that, don’t talk nonsense” - listen to this dunce if you want to laugh.

Wow will grunt loudly when the Russian Federation is defeated...

Everyone was upset that he died and did not become a vegetable. It turned out that he was a vegetable

Gopnik was offended and said who is the best country in the world

Pynya apparently grunted before the performance and began to talk selective nonsense.

People will start living freely and getting fat

Bulbashenko suddenly decided to speculate about the world of the future during a meeting with scientists.

We are proud

A billboard “We are proud” appeared in Krasnodar with the 200th occupant, who was previously imprisoned for beating his brother with a stool

Their heroes

We can’t even defeat Ukraine

Girkin was again in disarray and was getting closer to realizing his future defeat. He talks about a year of the most difficult war, serious mistakes in the Russian army and a complete lack of prospects.

We did not start any hostilities, we are trying to end them - Putin

The bunker dick is clearly having some kind of winter aggravation; he also managed to say that “Russia is not rude to anyone, but living with wolves is like howling like a wolf.”

We are not rude to anyone, but to live with wolves is to howl like a wolf

Grandfather forgot to take his pills again?

We must take advantage of the dictatorship

Briefly about how Bulbash plans to regulate prices.

A real detective in the Chelyabinsk region

Local residents dismantled the wooden latrine, which they used to light the stoves. People in the village have no other ways to light the stove.

Our enemy begged for planes, missiles, tanks abroad

A powerful “diplomatic” response from the drunk Medvedev to Zelensky’s European tour. Out of envy, he called for an increase in tank production.

If you can't use arguments, start criticizing your appearance

Volodka Nightingale Dung decided to tell how disgusting, unkempt and overweight Zelensky is. Hmm, has it been a long time since he looked in the mirror himself?

It was not the Russian army that turned out to be weak, but the Ukrainian one that was very, very strong

Pro-Kremlin political scientist Markov spoke about the reasons for the failure of the Russian army. No SMS or registration

Federal channels are already asking for help for the occupiers in Ukraine

Soon the Kremlin will be asking for donations for the needs of the army

Orban is the only one who did not clap for Zelensky. His fight

From Kyiv in 3 days to Dnepr in 3 years

Few people know, but Prigozhin is a famous storyteller. The first book about “The Rooster Who Took Bakhmut” will be published soon in the collection of “Prigozhin’s Tales”

Pozdnyakov whines that Russian women are having fun in the rear

This is import substitution, don’t worry. The friendly African people sent their heroes instead of Vanek...

Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 34

Russia wants negotiations again

Moscow is allegedly ready for negotiations with Kiev, but without preconditions and intermediaries, said Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Vershinin. According to him, the conversation should take place on the basis of the existing reality and taking into account the goals of the Russian Federation, previously announced publicly.

Now it’s you who attacked us! When you realize this, you will be scared

The beaver eater is trying to fulfill the Kremlin's request, but it is not convincing

I watched without sound. I take care of my psyche

Soloviev is hysterical about the non-participation of conscripts in hostilities

Why his children are still not in the trenches, the propagandist did not say

Soloviev is already blaming his IT specialists for bad broadcasting

Maybe he will grunt from a heart attack someday? Otherwise, yelling like that is rude...

Soloviev calls on 18-year-olds to go to war, about his children and an excellent conclusion from Anna Mongait

“Let me recruit a company from the children of the elite and the war will end in a day.”

General Alexander Lebed

Thank you for burying my son

In the Russian Federation, what are the Olympic Games in cringe and bottom breaking?

Quietly he took it and yawned - the propaganda is going crazy in an unknown direction

Maybe stop snorting coke already, fellow propagandists?

France, Italy, Bulgaria will need to be given to the Ukrainians. You need to honestly share with them

The curator of the Wagner PMC, cook Prigozhin, talks about the Russian conquest of Europe, after which he proposes to “give France, Italy and Bulgaria to the Ukrainians.”

You're kind of skinny

Meanwhile, Bulbofuhrer gives his potato minions tea from Xi Jinping and allows them to eat cookies and sweets.

What’s on a sober person’s mind is what’s on a drunk person’s mind... you understand

15 February 2023
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8 June 2023
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