russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for January 15-16

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
17 January 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- 39 people were rescued in the Dnieper, 25 died, — Vladimir Zelensky.

The President added that 73 people were injured, 13 of them — children. Another 43 victims of the shelling are wanted.

- The President of Ukraine imposed sanctions against 198 figures of Russian culture and media.

The list included, incl. Diana Panchenko, Sergey Sosedov, Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin), Yana Rudkovskaya, Boris Korchevnikov, Andrey Konchalovsky and others.

- The Russians occupied the industrial zone near the mine No. 7 in Soledar, which was previously held by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, — "Madyar".

Now the front is outside Soledar, the military added.

- Mobik addict

Akhmatchai was taken prisoner, after which they examined him and found traces of a syringe…

Like not a Wagnerian, but still a junkie…

America, are you already scared?

Where do such flawed clowns get so much self-confidence?

- Normal relations between Russia and the West are not expected even after the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine.

This is how NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg assessed the possible prospects in an interview with the German publication Handelsblatt.

"It won't be like before. Even if guns fall silent in Ukraine, we shouldn't expect normalization of our relations with Russia", — noted Stoltenberg.

- The data of 44 occupiers responsible for the tragedy in the Dnieper were published.

Only the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment of the Russian Federation has TU-22M3 bombers at its disposal, from which the strike was carried out.

A complete dossier with phone numbers for these animals can be viewed here (

- #losses of invaders as of 15.01

🔻+ 630 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️Senior Lieutenant Alexei Matsuev;

▪️Major of the Guard — Artem Lazarenko

▪️Lieutenant Colonel — Alexey Afonin

- Turkey proposes to use its territory for a humanitarian corridor between Russia and Ukraine, — Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada for Human Rights Dmitry Lubinets.

According to him, Turkey's idea is that Ukraine should use their channels of communication with Russia to return the military and civilians.

- In March, Russia may supply Iran with several Su-35 fighters, — Tasnim.

Tehran has not bought combat aircraft from Moscow since the 1990s. Now we can talk about 24 aircraft. Iran also ordered air defense systems, missile systems and helicopters from Russia, most of which will be received in the near future.

- 8 fighters of the Russian Aerospace Forces have arrived in Belarus and "flight exercises" will begin next week.

Most likely, there will be more alarms and they will be long.

- Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar released a post where she commented on the statements about the withdrawal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Soledar. Such a statement was made today by the commander with the call sign "Madyar", who fought in the city.

Deputy Reznikova first said that disclosure of information about the movement of Ukrainian troops provides for criminal liability

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- Rusnya stole tens of thousands of works of art and historical exhibits in Ukraine, including antiquities, — The New York Times.

The invaders illegally confiscated tens of thousands of exhibits from museums in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine – from antique Scythian gold to modern avant-garde works.

This is the biggest art theft since World War II.

- Dnipro. Currently, the enemy attack has killed 35 residents of the house. Among them are two children, — head of the OVA Reznichenko.

The rescue operation has been going on for 40 hours.

- "Russia's decisive strategic actions" in 2023 can manifest itself in several possible ways, — ISW

According to the first scenario, the katsaps may try to carry out a major offensive in the area of the Lugansk region. At the same time, ISW continues to assess that Russian troops are unlikely to launch an offensive in the Kherson or Zaporozhye regions.

The occupiers may try to repel the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The "Most Dangerous" Scenario - Russian Attack on Northern Ukraine. According to analysts, at the moment, such a scenario is unlikely.

- Fierce battles continue: Russia and Ukraine advance on two different sectors of the front, — British Ministry of Defense.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces almost certainly retained their positions in Soledar, north of Bakhmut.

The fighting around Kremennaya was characterized by a complex series of local attacks and counterattacks. However, in general, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to gradually advance their front line to the east, to the outskirts of the city.

- The morning in Sevastopol did not start with coffee: Rusnya reports that near the airfield «Belbek» shot down a drone

- German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht announced her resignation.

Lambrecht added that she had already submitted her resignation letter to Scholz. Now the head of government must sign it.

- Putin's friend Medvedchuk rolled out an article in which he accused the collective West and urged to take into account the interests of Russia.

"Now there are only two ways out: to slide into a world war and a nuclear conflict, or to start the process of detente again, but for this it is necessary to politically recognize that Russia has interests that must be taken into account in building a new detente", – he writes.

He also urged pro-Russian politicians to create a "political movement" in Ukraine.

- Ukraine and the European Union today signed a memorandum on the allocation of 18 billion euros of macro-financial assistance in 2023, — Shmygal.

Ukraine expects to receive the first tranche in the amount of 3 billion euros already this week.

- Poland expects Germany to soon approve sending Leopard to Ukraine, — Bloomberg.

"We need to get Germany's approval... But I can't imagine that approval won't be given quickly," Morawiecki said before flying to Berlin on Monday morning.

- New partners, new technology, where would we be without a new religion...

- Business project of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

In the store "Traffic light" army meals for sale. Price - 85.40 rubles.

And then the prisoners say that they drink from puddles and eat leaves. The entire state apparatus is aimed at losing the war. We do not mind

- #losses of invaders as of 16.01

🔻+ 790 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️Major Andrey Vakulin

▪️Captain Anton Ivashkevich

▪️Commander of the GSABatr Captain Radik Yanbekov

- Great promotion

- In the Verkhovna Rada, 150 signatures were collected on the issue of deprivation of mandates of the Opposition Platform for Life, — People's Deputy from the Servant of the People faction Oleg Dunda.

- Ukraine will be able to receive the NASAMS air defense system purchased by Canada as soon as it is ready, — Canadian Defense Minister Anita Anand in an interview with CBC.

"The supply will be carried out as soon as possible, it may include several deliveries. At the moment we are not thinking about years," the head of the Ministry of Defense said.

- At the Ramstein meeting, the issue of supplying Ukraine with Leopard tanks will be discussed, — Welt, referring to the statement of the Minister of Defense of Finland.

"Finland is ready to provide tanks to Ukraine. However, the country is waiting for Germany's consent regarding the supply," Mikko Savola said

- British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace announced Ukraine's "largest aid package to date":

The assistance package will include:

Company of Challenger 2 tanks;

AS90 guns;

Another 100 armored vehicles, including the Bulldog.

- Ukraine and the Russian Federation are developing a large-scale exchange of prisoners, during which about 1 thousand people can be exchanged, — Turkish Ombudsman Şeref Malkoç.

"At the meeting I attended, the Ukrainian Ombudsman handed over to the Russian side a list of 800 people. The Russian Ombudsman handed over to the Ukrainian side a list of 200 people," CNN Turk quoted a Turkish official as saying.

- The US understands Ukraine's need to hit targets farther behind the front line than the current systems available, — Under Secretary of Defense for Political Affairs Colin Kahl.

"I won't go into details: we are conducting an appropriate dialogue with the Ukrainian side."

- Ukrainians are building fortifications on the border with Belarus

- Stolen gloves from people

- Vaunted Russian tigers are not so scary after all

- Avdiivka, Donetsk region. During the assault, five Russian BMP-1s were destroyed:

- Hindus on the side of Ukraine

- A few more photos from the Dnieper

- New Ukrainian drones

- The Russians are betting on Moscow, so there is now air defense there

- The narrow world has come

- People thanks to whom we still have the opportunity to defend ourselves from this narrow world

- The front is already outside Soledar - the occupiers occupied the industrial zone near mine No. 7, which was previously held by the Armed Forces of Ukraine - Madyar

- He will become

- This is what the best dad looked like

- Even a dog's eyes are horrified by what the Russians are doing…

- incredible stories that are hard to believe

- Caricature of 1854: Continued operations of the Russian army in Wallachia

- optimism post

- Today in Moscow, a photo of a destroyed house in the Dnieper was brought to the monument to the Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka on Ukrainsky Boulevard.

- Mentally retarded children will be united in an organization that supports the war. It is created by activists of the Kostroma ONF, a grant for the project of 2,202,000 rubles was received from the presidential fund

- There is such a character, the blogger "Herald of the Storm" grew up, who drowns for communism and complains about capitalism. Last year, he became a defendant in a criminal case and asked for political asylum in France. Him, he was approved. And now he's complaining about damn capitalism from Paris)

- Necrophilia

- News of freezing Europe

- 19.07.1938 - 15.01.2023

- What does he allow himself

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