This is the Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 37

11 January 2023

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

On the 10th I will no longer be in Russia

Russians started receiving summonses for January 10

The first Makeevka coffins arrived in Samara

RosSMI, all as one, shouted that this was a fake and no one could kill so many of the Russian Armed Forces, but the coffins say the opposite...

In such carriages they transport Russian mobs to fight for the sake of Putin’s golden palaces and yachts

The toilet is next to the kitchen, very convenient

- Mobiles from Irkutsk were sent to the front in the Lugansk region about 4000 km away. They traveled in such carriages for weeks. Almost business class.

This is the Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 37

The children asked to return the mobilized coach, but he died in the war

Children's hockey coach Alexei Chepko from Dzerzhinsk was mobilized. In October, children and other coaches recorded a video in which they asked to bring him back, and now the news has come that he died in the war.

Didn't wait

Send this video to all the Z-patriots you know

The Telegram channel of the separatist movement “Morning of Dagestan” posted this video to dissuade people from participating in the new wave of mobilization.

Threat of provocation by foreign intelligence services

This is how the military commissar of the Samara region, Alexey Vdovin, explained the reason why the lists of soldiers who died from a missile attack in Makeevka will not be published.

Let us remind you that, according to the statement of the Ministry of Attack of the Russian Federation, 89 Russian servicemen were killed after a missile attack in Makeyevka

Mobs have no chance to survive the war in Ukraine

They didn’t kill in Makeyevka, they’ll finish off somewhere else

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