A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 150

8 March 2023
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

70 anti-tank mines fired remotely

Stugna P worked on enemy equipment

AZOV, promo video

Active trench defense

BTR-4 during combat missions in Bakhmut

BTR-4 after returning from a combat mission in Bakhmut

Everyday life of the heroic defense of Bakhmut

Rapid unloading of anti-tank mines

Smoke out the orcs from the trenches

Kamikaze drone sent greetings through the open hatch of the tank

The stray tank is having a hard time

How the evacuation of orcs goes according to Soviet books

Collection Winter 2023

A short exchange of views in the form of point-blank RPG shooting between Ukrainians and orcs

93 Mechanized Bakhmut

Fans of wearing Cornet MANPADS are over for today

Minus the tank

Direction Avdeevka

Enjoy how Ukrainian artillery destroyed an enemy BC warehouse in the Ugledarovsky direction

Our warriors train at Bradley in Germany

By the way, Ukraine should receive 109 such infantry fighting vehicles

It’s okay to drive armored vehicles around Ukraine without a passport

The infantry did not reach the right place

Anti-mortar fire, Bakhmut

Machine gun with sight

Five Russian tanks destroyed by the 25th Sicheslav Airborne Brigade

The work of the 3rd separate assault brigade

The work of equipment on orcs

The SBU is in touch and firing Russian tanks

Minus 5!!! tanks, 2 infantry fighting vehicles and one truck with ammunition

The 92nd Brigade also attacked the orcs

Warm greetings from the guys in the helicopters

Ukrainian artillery sent a Russian sniper to Kobzon in the Ugledarovsky direction

Destruction of the Russian Tor-M1 air defense system by NGU fighters and more

Destruction by NGU fighters of the Russian Tor-M1 air defense system and the Zemlerobstvo remote mining engineering complex using a UAV

1 comment
9 March 2023
Война, это всегда плохо!!!
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