A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 108

15 November 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

The 22nd motorized rifle battalion, together with the Omega special forces, clears Ukrainian lands of orcs

63rd Brigade and Snigurovka

And here is the second captured Mi-24 helicopter at the airfield in Chernobaevka

Rusnya repainted it in their filthy colors and sketched the symbols of Ukraine.

Here's how to run correctly

In the Kherson region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces surrounded a column of equipment and the occupiers decided to surrender.

They ran naked

The occupiers took off all their equipment, threw away their ammunition and rushed to swim

The fighting dog found an unexploded grenade and, to celebrate, decided to show it to everyone...

Not all occupiers were able to leave Kherson

Someone (as in this video) warmed up to the maximum temperature...

Reinforcing the lesson learned

Ambush of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on an orc column

An avid Russian pilot received a notable asshole

An interesting patent for a grenade mortar with a range of about 150 meters. Installed on AK74 or AK74U

Extermination of orcs in a thermal imager

Lend-Lease in Russian

Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine found another piece of scrap metal; a machine gun that is older than our grandmothers had some kind of string instead of a tactical belt.

A well-aimed hit from the M982a1 Excalibur

The next gifts from the sky are flying on schedule

Pavlovka defends itself. Russians resting after the assault

The usefulness of the so-called dragon teeth

Crawling Orcs

A video has appeared of a large warehouse, which became a trophy of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the village of Blagodatnoye near Kherson

The 57th Brigade is working

The defeated Chechen unit of the 94th personal regiment of the National Guard in Kherson

Cleared a set of mines. Sorry for the drone

Destroyed Antonovsky Bridge. Drone view

Russian equipment left on the bridge during the retreat

The difficult work of a medic in the ranks of the ZSU

Ukrainian special forces sniper at work

Equipment of the occupiers after the shelling of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The poor guy was upset. Don't drive, boys, mothers still need you

French self-propelled guns and armored personnel carriers CAESAR

Assault with one BMP-1 performed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The forces were initially unequal - a few normal boys against a herd of sheep.

The Russians are so pure: “We didn’t really need these positions,” and they gave it to us.

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