A family that ate too much in restaurants and ran away without paying was caught red-handed (2 photos + 1 video)

3 June 2024

Judge Paul Thomas, pronouncing the sentence, said the couple got a "high" from their defiant behavior.

Bernard and Anne McDonagh visited five restaurants in Wales, UK, where they ordered more than £1,000 worth of food and then left without paying. Frustrated owners of these establishments provided police with CCTV footage, thanks to which the attackers were caught and sent to prison.

The couple, from Sandfields in Port Talbot, pleaded guilty to five counts of obtaining services by dishonest means. The case was heard at Swansea Crown Court earlier this month. Anne was sentenced to 12 months in prison, and Bernard to eight.

Judge Paul Thomas, pronouncing the sentence, said the couple got a "high" from their defiant behavior.

In the latest case, the family reportedly failed to pay a £329 bill at Bella Ciao restaurant in Swansea town centre. Ann told staff that her card was allegedly invalid and went to her car to get cash while her child was sitting at the table. Then they simulated an emergency and ran away.

"The thefts committed by the McDonagh family had a devastating impact on local restaurants. Entrepreneurs are already facing numerous problems and financial losses. Today, the perpetrators were brought to justice," prosecutors said.

The spouses were ordered to pay the establishments compensation in the amount of the total amount of their unpaid bills within 7 days.

By the way, Anne McDonagh also admitted to four shopliftings, including from the Tommy Hilfiger designer boutique, from where she stole £1,000 worth of items.

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