Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 40

4 March 2023

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

They can't be that stupid, or can they?

Thanks for the meat and minced meat

Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 40

An underdeveloped Z-patriot makes threats

We thought that this was an ordinary unhealthy guy and there was no point in focusing attention on this. But no - this is a mobile phone, whose identity was helped to establish from Osint Georgia

Meet 23-year-old mobster Gera Anufriev from the village of Mutny Continent (Komi Republic).

Tel. +79036798091

On social networks:

Last active in early January, most likely already hanging out at Kobzon’s concert

Someone explain to the propagandists the cause-and-effect relationships

First you call for killing Ukrainian children, and then you cry that Ukrainian drones are flying over your dacha

Operation VOZrevenge

Propaganda Sladkov calls for a missile strike on residential buildings in the Carpathian region in response to what happened in the Bryansk region.

Squad of battle mages

The Russians realized that they could not defeat Ukraine on the battlefield with conventional weapons and decided to move on to desperate attempts to summon some spirits.

Should we tell them that the Ukrainian forest Mavki will remove any damage, or let them have fun?

Air defense was ordered in Moscow

A radar has appeared near the Salaryevo metro station, with which short- and medium-range air defense systems should work.

Previously, air defense was carried out near Putin’s residence, on airfields, on the roofs of the Ministry of Defense building and other interesting locations.

Where are Putin’s promises about a “tough response?” Yeisk, the fleet was not enough?

The first day of spring, these bastards in Europe did not freeze, and neither did the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russian propaganda is already furious that Europeans and Ukrainians have experienced a relatively warm winter.

Compared to Ukraine, Russia is a super free country

The time has come to rescue your children from Russian schools

Commentary by Alexander Plyushchev on the news about the detention of the girl’s father, who drew an anti-war drawing.

Terrorists entered the border area

Terrorist attack? Vova are you in yourself?

“Terrorists have infiltrated the border area” (140 km is certainly close). Then he started muttering something about “the property of the nation, the language that they want to take away from us, they were shooting at NIVA with children.”

Vladimir, congratulations, you have unlocked the clown costume...

Propagandists are morally preparing the population for future “claps”

Propagandas are squealing again and spreading fake news

They claim that air defense does not work, and “Ukrainian drones” fly calmly. So maybe these are not Ukrainian drones? Maybe that's why they don't get shot down?

Whose drones are these?

We are talking about a terrorist attack

Peskov is already hysterical, saying, what’s going on, terrorists are attacking Russia, and “the West is turning a blind eye.”

Russia is not protected from attacks by Ukrainian UAVs

Officials make excuses that there are air defense systems, but no protection. They say that only military enterprises cover air defense systems. All other objects are under threat.

In the words of a classic: hang in there, all the best to you

Russians boast about killing a soldier

Skabeeva said that Russia is going to go to war with Ukraine “to the end”

But at the same time, she began to prepare the cotton wool for the idea of “peace negotiations.”

Cotton wool ate something like that on Gebbels TV

Thank God that Russians live in Russia and not in America or Japan

And where the Russian world doesn’t come, everything turns to shit

Soloviev was already preparing for Berlin. And the Germans know about this

If Solovyov is not angry, then it’s not Solovyov

The Ministry of Defense is already criticizing diplomats and shouting to itself, “Who are you? You’re nobody!”

Grandfather has become very bad...

The court sentenced Muscovite Alexei Nechushkin to 4 years in prison

Who drove onto the sidewalk of Pushkin Square in a car with anti-war slogans, and then set fire to the interior as a sign of protest against the war. (description in comments)

Now London is accused of infiltrating the Ukrainian DRG

A Russian “analyst” believes that Great Britain was somehow involved in the incident in the Bryansk region. Korotchenko calls for reducing the British embassy to 10 people, and urgently throwing the rest out of Moscow.

All Ukrainians, even babies, should be destroyed

Z-grandmother has completely gone crazy and decided to “denazify” Poland, Romania and Moldova. Ukrainians dream of “killing everyone, down to the last one, including babies”

Granny, what about spiritual bonds and God’s commandments? Or are you going to hell for your beloved president?

The mustachioed cockroach congratulated Xi Jinping on the greatest confidence of the Chinese people

A teacher in the Perm region insults an eighth-grader who was late for a performance on February 23

Well, they said the returning warriors would be the first to start doing terrible things en masse, but it seems the teachers can’t wait to start themselves.

The old woman who throws in the ballots calls the student a traitor. Double standards of Russian teachers.

The front will fall to the Russian borders, maybe further - Prigozhin

Prigogine again tells tales about the importance of the Wagnerites at the front. "If PMC Wagner retreats from Bakhmut, then the war can end"

The king of prisoners also said that “then the Ukrainian army will sweep away everything up to the Crimea”

But there is no panic

Cunningly, the car numbers were not included in the footage.

They had Russian flags on them, the saboteurs tore them off with their teeth.

But in general, this is the first thing I looked at, whether they would show the number or not. The “dead” will most likely also remain nameless victims of NATO aggression, who must be remembered not to be remembered.

A day later, the FSB edited a video showing a Niva shot yesterday in the Bryansk region, mines on the ground and trees, and some kind of grenade launcher.

Meanwhile, a house in Zaporozhye on the same day...

This is a clinic and there is no treatment

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