10 real moments that look like a movie production (11 photos)

Yesterday, 14:42

Life is full of surprises, and sometimes there are moments that look like a director's invention. In this post, you will see incredible shots that will prove that reality is much cooler than any special effect.

1. Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines ejected gas and ash columns into the atmosphere to a height of up to 34 kilometers

On June 12-17, 1991, Mount Pinatubo erupted on the island of Luzon (Philippines), awakened after a devastating earthquake 1990. The aerosol emission was the most powerful since the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. A layer of sulfuric acid fog was observed in the Earth's atmosphere during the summer of 1991, a decrease in temperature of 0.5 degrees Celsius and a significant reduction in the ozone layer were recorded worldwide.

2. Cenote Seitun is a lake in a round cave on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Here you can easily feel like Lara Croft

. There is a hole in the roof of the cave through which sunlight penetrates. Inside, there are numerous stalagmites and stalactites hanging everywhere. Legend has it that Cenote Seitun is an ancient religious center of the Mayan Indians. In the cave, ancient tribes not only took water, but also made human sacrifices to appease the gods.

3. At first glance, this is a frame from the movie "Mission Impossible", but this is a window cleaner on the Burj Khalifa in the United Arab Emirates of Dubai

It takes about four months to wash all the glass surfaces of the tallest building in the world. A special scheme has been created for the Dubai skyscraper, which includes a three-tiered rail system at different heights, along which special cabins move.

4. The White Walkers Are Coming Out Now. This is the Grey Glacier in Chile

The glacier is six kilometers wide and over thirty meters high. In 1996, it occupied a total area of ​​270 square kilometers and a length of 28 kilometers. The Grey Glacier is located on the western side of the Torres del Paine National Park.

5. A flock of starlings resembles the film "The Birds" by Hitchcock

Murmation is a natural phenomenon in which thousands of birds form huge flocks and move as a single organism, constantly changing direction. Looking at this picture, you understand how powerful nature is.

6. It looks like an alien invasion. But this is a thunderstorm in Twin Peaks, San Francisco

7. Ash clouds from Mount Sinabung, Indonesia, straight out of The Lost World

In 2021, Mount Sinabung has erupted 4 times — and more are coming.

8. Fairytale Winter Road

9. "Top of the World", Fujiyama

Fujiyama is a stratovolcano located on the island of Honshu near the border of Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures. It is not extinct, although it is weakly active. The volcano is recognized as the highest point in the country - its absolute height is 3776 meters above sea level. The volcano's distinctive feature is its symmetrical shape, forming an almost perfect cone with a snowy peak.

10. A dangerous moment of attack from the depths

Paul Nicklen is a Canadian photographer, filmmaker and marine biologist who has been documenting the beauty of the planet for over thirty years. He became famous for his photographs taken in the Arctic and Antarctic.

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