China bans too rich bloggers (7 photos)

24 May 2024

It's not just pierced earlobes in men that are banned by censorship in China. In the last week, dozens of very famous bloggers who showed an overly luxurious lifestyle have been banned from social networks.

Of the three, only the bottom one annoys me

Luxury on display, of course, is not recommended for showing on television. But China could not do anything about social networks. Earlier.

Now state media have begun to crack down on conspicuous luxury, calling such behavior “toxic influence.”

Even the Chinese themselves did not understand this move. They naturally wondered: they didn’t break any laws. Why should they be banned?

By the way, these are not strange men, this is just an advertisement for women's clothing, when women were forbidden to display it so openly

It is clear that China is struggling with the accumulation of negativity due to social inequality. After all, people with low incomes look at the trappings of an incredibly luxurious life. And this doesn’t even mean that all people live in poverty!

As a rule, people with a normal salary are jealous, who realize that they will never have a personal stylist. After all, a person always wants to consume a little better, get things a little more expensive.

Who was banned first?

Wang Hongquanxing – Chinese Kim Kardashian

This Van, no, this robe with leaves is just a bomb!

Kim is a man in China! This is a 30-year-old man who constantly showed off his real estate. And also because she never goes out in an outfit cheaper than 10 million yuan. I would say that he is Philip Kirkorov, not Kardashian.

But at the same time, he is quite open and sociable, so even those who do not care about luxury liked him. He even honestly admitted that he likes to dress so brightly because of his complexes, because he is not confident in himself.

His love for jade probably comes from his mother

People really liked this sincerity. That's why he has 4.4 million subscribers on Douyin,

But he got it legally, because he was engaged in jewelry - a quite profitable industry if you find someone to sell your luxury items to. However, he was banned.

Young Master Bo - Bo Gongzi

This one pisses me off! Annoying guy!

I would have banned him too! He's just a saccharine 20-year-old guy who constantly says that all his wealth comes from a rich male lover. Loves collecting Hermes items and is just an annoying personality followed by 3 million Chinese.

And all his videos were deleted and his Weibo account was blocked.

Baoyu Jiajie - Sister Abalone

Baoyu Jiajie was so named because of his love for expensive seafood. This is a 50-year-old aunt who looks very elegant, by the way.

A woman is sometimes very interested in filters

She loved to show how she eats all sorts of delicacies, including the same abalone for 25,000 yuan per serving. She also has a huge 3,300 square meter mansion with gardens, courtyards and a golf course. She had 2.3 million subscribers.

And a few more wealthy Chinese, not that they were sued for tax evasion. That is, in fact, they have every right to the money. But one day they were simply “erased” from the Internet, and a whole campaign “against toxic luxury” in the media began against them.

They were banned, now you can’t even get a photo

No, of course they piss me off. But ban? You can just not look, but your social account. Isn't it a crime to run networks?

In general, a very strange decision. Although China likes to over-tighten the screws at times. And what do you think?

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