Features of life in China, which are not covered in the news (15 photos)

17 June 2023

China and its provinces live as if on another planet. There, Of course, people walk on two legs, but in general there are many things that are different. Let's take a look at the photo from the sky.

1. People in China love karaoke, so there are soundproof booths everywhere.

2. They don’t pay with cards or cash, there are usually QR codes even on the market

3. Just a library in China

4. They order absolutely everything and always, during sales, the streets may look like this: parcels waiting for the owners

5. Payment in the store takes place through the camera: the camera reads the information and the money is automatically deducted

6. City contrasts

7. These people are taking the entrance exam to art school. Just imagine what kind of competition there is for a place

8. China loves unusual buildings. This is like a hotel

9. And there is even a version of Elon Musk

10. Frame from the bus: the screen displays all the information about the driver, even the address

11. There are such traditions in China when in the heat everyone goes outside and bathes the kids

12. And this is one of the kindergartens

13. Abandoned village in the mountains of China

14. The Chinese also know how to attract tourists: this is a path to one of the attractions

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