In Astana, the mobilographer of the group “Irina Kairatovna” died right at the concert (2 photos + 2 videos)

18 October 2023

The musicians have canceled all upcoming concerts.

The mobilographer of the popular Kazakh group Shakhnaz Zhylkaidarov lost consciousness in front of the audience during a concert in Astana, October 14. The photographer was taken to the dressing room, doctors were called, but they could not help and declared death.

Footage from the mobile phone of one of the spectators shows that literally a few seconds before losing consciousness, the 21-year-old guy was enjoying a DJ set, photographing the work of the musician as a warm-up before the members of the Irina Kairatovna group went on stage.

A little later, the musicians appeared on stage and spoke about the tragedy, and also apologized for the fact that the concert would have to be cancelled. The artists said that they would not be able to “dance on the bones,” so they offered to return the tickets or leave them for the next performance. When it will take place is still unknown. The group canceled its concerts on October 14 and 15. The audience reacted with understanding to the decision of the musical group.

“It’s very difficult for us to talk about this. Our mobile phone fell on stage recently, you probably saw it. He died. Therefore, unfortunately, we will not be able to speak to you today. Thank you very much for coming, for watching, for supporting us “We love you madly,” one of the members of the musical group addressed the audience with difficulty holding back tears.

Today, Kazakh media reported the preliminary cause of the sudden death of a 21-year-old mobilographer. According to the forensic medical examination, death was caused by acute hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis (necrosis of the pancreas). The Institute of Forensic Expertise in Astana added that the exact cause will be known after a toxicological study.

Shahnaz Zhylkaidarov

The band members promised that they would dedicate a concert tour of Europe, which was planned for the end of the month, “to the memory and respect of Shahnaz.”

Mobilography is a fairly young profession that appeared in 2004 thanks to the development of social networks. A mobilograph is the same as a photographer, but who creates images using a smartphone and exclusively for social networks.

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