russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 14-15

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
16 October 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Director General of the Russian Foreign Ministry Nikolai Kobrinets was found dead in his hotel room in the Taksim district of Istanbul, where he had arrived for a meeting of ambassadors.

According to preliminary data, the diplomat died of a heart attack.

- Some students may be mobilized, – MON.

We are talking about persons who are on academic leave. They actually do not study, therefore, they lose the basis for granting a deferment from conscription.

- Life in the trenches – this is not a reason to miss your favorite matches.

So today our guys on the front line watched the national team game 💙💛

- In 2004, Soloviev promised to immediately go to war if something started to happen in Israel

“Jew-patriot”, that’s what this person is called. Oh how

- Russian KFC will not be able to feed the residents of the “superpower” fried chicken, as there are not enough products and personnel

▪️"We have problems with chicken meat… There are not enough personnel at poultry farms, there is a disruption in supply chains, an increase in the cost of feed and costs." — said the head of the Federation of Restaurateurs Igor Bukharov

What, did something happen?

- This is how it is needed and all is not lost yet

- Avdeevka: “Now the enemy’s losses have been growing for four days in a row. The enemy lost more than three hundred units of military equipment. The casualties were more than three thousand people. This is in less than five days. Therefore, the enemy takes it out on the civilian population, on civilians,” said Alexander Shtupun, speaker of the joint press center of the Tauride Defense Forces, on the telethon.

- Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Moshe Azman wrote an important tweet. He showed a photo of his grandchildren in Kyiv hiding from Russian missiles in the first days of the invasion. In the second photo they are already hiding from Hamas rockets in Israel. The handwriting of terrorists is the same even in different parts of the world.

- Hamas received millions of dollars through a crypto exchange with an office in Moscow – Wall Street Journal

So, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group, on the eve of the terrorist attack on Israel, received more than $93 million through digital wallets; Hamas also used a similar funding scheme. The Wall Street Journal writes about this.

The publication, citing data from the analytical company Elliptic, stated that the terrorist attack on Israel was partially financed through the popular crypto exchange Garantex, registered in Moscow.

According to analysts, on the eve of the invasion of Israel, transactions amounting to over $93 million were transferred to digital wallets controlled by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group.

A similar financing scheme, researchers say, was used by Hamas.

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