This is the Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 44

9 February 2023

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

The children are actually being mobilized for the campaign already

The mobs realized that they were being used as meat.

Confirmation of this is the appeal of mobs from Tatarstan

“We were handed over to the commanders of the DPR troops. The officers sent us on an assault without weapons. We are used as expendable material.”

Is everything going according to Putin’s plan? Exactly?

The mother and widow of a dead mobik quarreled over a car

23-year-old Kirill Alexandrov died on March 9. The wife and mother received coffins - 6.7 million rubles each. Now the courts are going on, both ladies are deciding who will get the car from the dead man...

Mobik got into a tough fight and complains about life

I thought it would be 3 days, but that was not the case...

Husband for a fur coat

A hit parade of mercantile women who enjoy their fur coats more than their living husbands

Incredible adventures of Tuvans in Donbass

Why did you go to fight, fools?

Satan in the ranks of Russian warriors

A certain priest came to the mob on the front line and began to tell them that “all Ukrainians are the servants of Satan, they need to be destroyed, even civilians.”

The idiot also said that “armageddon has come in the world and only Putin can save everyone.”

This is the real devil disguised as a saint

The fur coats were taken back from the widows after the shooting

And someone is surprised at all by this. By the way, the fur coats were later taken back and they said that something had been mixed up and the fur coats were given to other women.

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