Here is such a Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 16

7 November 2022

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

In Kazan, mobilized people staged a riot due to poor living conditions and old 50-year-old machine guns

Chmoboks lack water, food and firewood and have nowhere to wash their clothes.

Chronicles of the Second Army of the World

If anyone thought that in the 21st century war would be blasters, then they were mistaken

152 mm howitzer model 1943 in service with the “second army of the world”

Kazan. Mobik revolt against command

The mobs are chanting “shake the regime!” Judging by their cries, they were left without food and water. The soldiers became so angry that riot police were called in against them.

How bad does it have to be for the slaves to decide to overthrow the general?

Mob fight in Omsk

What was not shared is not clear, but it looks impressive...

Meanwhile, inside the chmoboks, discord and religious disputes 18+ are in full swing

Dagestanis force a Russian soldier to apologize for speaking badly about Islam, force him to beat his hands with a stick and sit on a bottle.

In occupied Lugansk, Russians bury their fallen and dead soldiers right on the city lawn, rather than in the cemetery

To motivate the mobs, they called in a whole riot police force and a full general

Governor Oleg Kozhemyako said that the losses of Primorye residents during the battles for Pavlovka were “significantly exaggerated”

High morale and great fun for the 2nd Army of the World

Rusnya thought that the chmoboks were somehow completely sad and decided to raise their morale with “songs”. Only now they poured hay under the feet of the “singers”, and left the mobs to stand knee-deep in the swamp. Cattle are cattle.

A brief but revealing dialogue between brainwashed people in Russia

— I’ll send it if necessary.

Women are still giving birth.

Meanwhile, chmoboks are going through an important stage of 18+ training

1197th Territorial Troops Regiment. Group of troops Dnepr

This is how the Russian military greets the mobilized in the village of Kakhovka

They said that the “second army of the world” did not touch Ukrainian women during the occupation. But in reality they rape their own


Russians are torn about rapists and they were given new manuals

We thought they would kiss the icons again, but no, the excuse is much more creepy - supposedly the Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters are dressing up to discredit the occupiers

Separately, we send Pozdnyakov to take another look at the original or go to an ophthalmologist for glasses. By the way, where did he get such knowledge of anatomy?

Here is such a Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 16

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