Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 35

17 February 2023

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

Nightingale droppings gave back about his son

He has everything TsIPSO... So, why isn’t your son in the front? Well, well, old clown, wait. Soon information about my son will emerge...

Tanks don't matter because we have air defense

Tymoshenko. There will be no war

Just a year ago, Yulia Tymoshenko in Shuster’s studio convinced that there would be no full-scale invasion by the Russians.

Parties with Putin, gas is expensive and don’t say that I did everything for Ukraine.

Hard case

They've been trying to take it away for almost a year now, but they still won't take it away.

A lesson about important things was taught at a school in the Stavropol Territory by an orc who came back from the war.

He told the children how they looted the houses of Ukrainian civilians: “There seemed to be no problems with food <...> many left, leaving almost everything there. Everything is free!"

- lived in occupied houses, the Ministry of Defense provided humanitarian aid and not supplies

Lukashenko directly says that he will enter the war and asks the CSTO to join

Serious passions among propagandists

They send each other to the front.

Now it’s convenient, under any pretext, rush to the front

Excellent students receive medals and ears of Azov citizens as a gift

The occupier promised to get the ear of a “dill-Azov man” in battle and give it to someone who finishes the school year with straight A’s.

Details of this animal:

Subbotin Vyacheslav, Moscow region, Zarya microdistrict
Phone +79637638986
VKontakte account: @id430219316

Distribute this video, especially for those who do not believe in the existence of Nazism in the Russian Federation...

Propagandist Mardan was sad because of the corruption of the Russian stage

They say that the “stars” are ready to smear themselves with patriotism “just for the money.”

Mmmm, what is it?

Propaganda calls for prohibiting children of Ukrainian refugees from communicating in their native language in any government institutions

According to him, parties are already beginning to form in Russia that are not always complementary to the Russian Federation.

It is impossible to ban the language of the occupier, but it is possible to ban another language.

Putin. I was a Marine

It sounds especially funny when the 155th “elite” Marine Brigade was shamefully defeated near Ugledar

Russian school of brainwashing. New stories appear every single day

Zombification of children goes according to plan

We don’t abandon our own and blah blah blah. Most likely the children will be very upset when they grow up

Azarenok is freaking out about the closure of the checkpoint on the border with Poland

This is a funny baby mammoth of yours...

Barnaul journalist Maria Ponomarenko was sentenced to 6 years for a post about a drama theater in Mariupol

Where, after a Russian air strike, several hundred people died, including old people, women and children. The video shows Maria's last word.

It will not be possible to take Bakhmut in the near future. Prigozhin

Prigozhin said that the “Ukrnazis” are actively bringing up reserves and are unable to encircle them:

“Bakhmut will not be taken tomorrow, because there is heavy resistance and grinding, the meat grinder is working,” said the golden cockerel.

How many times have they taken him already?

In the city of Orel they are afraid of Ukronazi attacks

Residents are begging for the bomb shelter of a collapsed computer control plant to be repaired. After all, “the newly formed Nazis are trying to attack”

Well, are the SVO’s goals going according to plan? They are waiting for Ukrainian strike drones...

In Magnitogorsk, a competition for children in swimming in camouflage and with machine guns was held

The winners of the swim were awarded certificates and medals.

The Wagnerites executed their “fighter” again with a sledgehammer

Wagenrowets realized that he did not want to die in the trenches. He even tried to escape to the territory of the Ukrainian Dnieper and was captured. Exchanged. Here's the result.

Beat your own so that strangers will be afraid?

Information about another supposedly executed Wagener with a sledgehammer turned out to be Prigozhin’s hoax

The PMC published a video with a living Wagnerist Yakushchenko. He said in the video that he said “all sorts of vile nonsense” in Ukrainian captivity, but it was the only way to survive.

Here's more about the duping of Russian children

In Krasnodar, students of Cossack (!) School No. 60 carried a one-kilometer-long St. George ribbon through the city

“The production of St. George’s ribbon should become the basis of the Russian economy, gradually replacing oil and gas production”

Everyone will become gay and trans

Then it suddenly became clear that the Russians attacked Ukraine, because otherwise everyone in the Russian Federation would have become gay or changed their gender.

The head of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry arrived in Minsk to talk about peace in Ukraine

“It is obvious that many will criticize the visit, but our position is clear: communication channels must be open,” Szijjarto said (

Golda Meir said that we cannot negotiate with those who came to kill us. She's also a poet

Grandfather and father got drunk and ruined everyone's holiday

Check out the level of discussion

For those who are bored, fresh theses from terrorist Girkin

A prayer book will help Donbass

Korchevnikov gave the actor Pashutin a prayer book so that he would protect him in the Donbass.

No one has money for armor, save yourself with a prayer book

They also filmed the story on TV

you don’t understand, in Russia - by the name of the flower, in Ukraine - by the name of the Wehrmacht... these are different things, you need to understand this!

Some 20 years ago there really was freedom of speech in Russia

And live, journalists and the public could safely ask the most impartial questions and demand answers to them.

An amazing transformation, of course...

Kadyrov showed a pistol specifically for Zelensky so that he would shoot himself like Hitler

“If I were sent to Zelensky, I would quickly convince him and be able to put him in his place because I am a psychologist who understands people very much,” he said.

The Russian occupier dreamed of fighting in a tank battle with Leopards

but did not wait for them and died of sadness

Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 35

We've heard this somewhere before

“The Soviet Union, with its powerful economy, will somehow survive all these blockades and sanctions, but someone will feel bad,” - the program of a zombie worker in the distant USSR

Doesn't remind you of anything?

How a blogger can help if he wants

Cringe propaganda from Prigozhin

Why a nuclear war?

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