Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 14

10 December 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

Careful, you might die of laughter

Idiots made a video in which they explain how to escape from drones (where is your air defense, idiots?)

And they say something about the war with NATO?

Current from Noize MC. Get off the screen, Solovyov, let the swans dance!

A project has been launched in Russia: exchange your husband for firewood

Spoiler: those who heat the stove and those who heat for their grandfather are the same people

Everything is stable, no problems

What is a special operation according to Wikipedia:

If you know English, then you are an agent of the State Department

The propagandists were torn because a resident of Kherson, who rejoiced at the liberation of the city from Rus, speaks English.

Finish calmly, everyone is here

Putin and the hero of Russia who has lost his mind, paratrooper David Malykin look as creepy as possible

By the way, Putin also arrived at the summit. Yes, not alone, but with his famous suitcase

We bury them every day. Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Rostov-on-Don

It is noteworthy that this year the authorities of Rostov-on-Don decided not to spend money on New Year’s decorations for the city and used last year’s “scenery”. And this same “Ukrainian” castle stood in the city last year. As they say, it turned out awkward.

When God didn't endow him with brains

The Kremlin lawlessness is in action. Leader of the Council of Mothers and Wives of Mobilized Olga Tsukanova was detained

The cops stopped the car with "reasons to suspect the women of transporting drugs." After searching the car, they were taken to the police department.

Even in Stalin's times, mobilized mothers had more rights. Now, lawlessness and darkness are two words that describe the Russian Federation

Lukashenko came to the summit on foot because his Mercedes wouldn't start

The President of the Republic of Belarus informed the head of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov about this.

There are no parts to repair, but sanctions make you stronger.

Another victim that attracts the attention of the SBU

Another nonsense from Putin has arrived

A distraught pensioner, in an empty huge hall with a glass in his hands, said that Russia is striking at the energy system of Ukraine due to attacks on the Crimean Bridge and due to the fact that Ukraine “does not supply water to Donetsk.” And in general, “we weren’t the first to start!”

Go and kill the people - Russian TV show

On the Spas TV channel they Orthodox explained “why it is not a sin to kill Ukrainians”

Defeat in the so-called “special military operation” is inevitable

Girkin returned from the front fields to the information field and whined again:

The Russian Federation abandoned its offensive strategy in Ukraine.

The Russian army slept through the technical process and cannot do anything against NATO guns.

The defensive pyramids look funny.

The APU is not weakening, but on the contrary, it is constantly strengthening.

The Russian command is to blame for the failures at the front.

Thank you, we are pleased

Great schedule

Yashin's reaction to the verdict

So, the court sentenced me to 8 years and 6 months in prison. Well, the authors of the verdict are optimistic about Putin’s prospects. In my opinion - too optimistic.

But we also have no reason to be sad, because you and I won this trial, friends. The trial was intended as an exposure of the “doctor of the people” in my person, but it turned into an anti-war platform. We told the truth about war crimes and called for a stop to the bloodshed. And in response they heard a mishmash of slogans from the Cold War, which was confusedly voiced by the prosecutor.

The shaking hands of the state prosecutor became a striking symbol of this process. He tried very hard to sound menacing and imitate Stalin’s prosecutors, but time after time he made the audience laugh and looked like a caricature.

With this hysterical verdict, the authorities want to intimidate us all, but in fact they only show their weakness. Strong leaders are calm and self-confident, and only weaklings strive to silence everyone and burn out any dissent. So today I can only repeat what was said on the day of the arrest: I am not afraid, and you should not be afraid.

Change is just around the corner, and soon you and I will have a lot of work to do to restore justice and humanism in our country.

I'm near

Russian teachers “We are simple teachers, we are not to blame for anything”

Also Russian teachers: “Drive away all the evil spirits from Ukraine, we have been waiting for this for a long time. And the Russian flag will regain its greatness in the new world!”

This is how teachers from Kamchatka promised to teach children “correct history”

The Russians decided to issue a Russian passport to the stolen Kherson raccoon. True, veterinary

Well, never mind, our partisan’s revenge will not be long in coming. He almost chewed off Sosaldo’s finger.

A fair-haired schoolgirl wrote down an appeal to the Kherson raccoon

Lord, burn, nothing can be fixed here.

Ukrainian services identified an agent of the Russian FSB

Budarov Anton Yurievich, born March 29, 1986, citizenship: Kazakhstan, No. 13346115

A controlled FSB agent regularly disseminates provocative and false messages against the people and authorities of Ukraine.
He also conducts aggressive propaganda activities under the Kremlin’s tune in relation to Georgia and Kazakhstan.

On his content platforms, Budarov openly calls Ukraine a colony, a puppet, and Crimea as originally Russian.

For communication, Budarov uses the Russian number +79817153765, registered to technical specialist Evgeniy Viktorovich Danilkin, born 09/20/1984, St. Petersburg, Nauki 79, 83 sq.

Every year in November he travels to the Russian Federation to report on the work done. The last time I traveled to the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg) was on the Belavia aircraft, B2-939, EW512PO. On November 20, 2022, he left the Russian Federation from the Verkhniy Lars checkpoint in the direction of Georgia; he conducts destructive activities from there.

In November last year, Budarov’s meetings with curators from the FSB were recorded on the territory of the Moscow Hotel in St. Petersburg, 8th floor, hotel room 8067.

Sosaldo promises to build a new city on the Arbat Strelka

They melt snow instead of water

And this country is threatening that Europe will freeze without their gas (you should have used your own water first, idiots)

The bunker's delusional disorder worsened

Morning lesson from Nightingale Litter about life in the 90s and a bonus melee technique

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