What is this thing: the strangest finds. Issue 192

3 May 2024

The world never ceases to amaze. Sometimes we come across objects that come across by chance and immediately attract attention, and we puzzle over what they are used for. Luckily, we now have the Internet to search for answers when something piques our curiosity. In this post you will find out the purpose of the strangest finds.

1. What is this button at the bottom of the front door of my friends’ apartment? Clicks when closing

When the door closes, the button presses the bar to close the remaining space between the floor and the door. It is designed to protect the room from smoke during a fire and at the same time minimizes friction during door operation.

2. I found a strange ceramic dog

This is a vessel for alcoholic beverages or sake. The tiny cups or glasses hanging from the spikes on her back are missing.

3. What is it? It's about 13 centimeters long, made from wood, embroidery thread, wire and maybe grass, and it looks vintage

This is a fan. You hold the curved handle and the fan moves up your forearm to the inside of your elbow. When held correctly, you can fan your face by turning your wrist slightly.

4. A bunch of wooden spikes with no numbers or words on them?

This is a device for splicing ropes. The tip is inserted between the threads of the rope so that a thread of another rope can pass between them. For this purpose, they are used both on sailing boats and for bell towers.

5. Found in a forest in Sweden, about one meter from the ground, measuring about 20 centimeters. Solid to the touch, but drips on impact

This is a polyporous mushroom that secretes excess moisture, called gutation.

6. What kind of house is this? Found in Ilz, Austria

This is a "tobacco" hut for drying tobacco.

7. Small plastic figurines that were buried in the backyard. Bald men with mustaches and hands on their heads

In 2009, Hasbro released a mini-game called Monopoly: Get Out of Jail. These appeared to be items that were used in the game.

8. Found while I was helping a friend clean the house

This is a small toy steam engine.

9. Found on the beach. It is empty and light, but quite durable. There is a hole on each side

This is an Indian jewelry bead.

10. What is this? It's not a pen, it has a sharp metal tip, and it doesn't write. There's no room for ink, graphite or anything else. With plastic cover. What is it for?

This is a tracing tip. It is used to make lines or marks on metal or other materials.

11. A steel thing, perhaps an anvil or separator?

An iron shoe last used by shoemakers.

12. The thing was found in the park. There was a slight buzzing noise coming from her.

This is a mosquito trap, installed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

13. I know this is a kitchen tool, but what is it for?

This is a hand whisk.

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