What a thing: the strangest finds. Issue 160

17 June 2023

We regularly come across things that are not immediately recognizable. All these incomprehensible things excite the imagination and torment with doubts, but here, as always, specialists from the network come to the rescue, who easily and quickly solve all riddles.

From time to time we encounter objects that put we're stumped, and we have no idea what they're being used for. Fortunately, we live in the age of the Internet, and there are thousands of people to whom you can ask for help to identify strange objects. Take a look at the clues.

1. What is this wooden object?

This is a hat stretcher.

2. I need help identifying this item

This is a tool for polishing wine glasses and glasses.

3. What is this thing?

These are asparagus tongs.

4. Metal triangle with plastic handle. What could it be?

This is a woodworking knife, but it can also be used to cut linoleum or sculpt clay.

5. Wooden ladle with two compartments

This is an ozhau - a traditional ladle from Kazakhstan. It is used for pouring koumiss and shurpa.

6. I saw this object in Austria. What it is?

These columns are set to indicate the boundaries and direction of traffic.

7. They are made of flexible plastic

This is a draw. You put the rubber piece over your ear and it looks like you have a Q-tip sticking out of your head.

8. Got this in the mail, no idea what it is

They were used during the pandemic to open doors or press buttons without touching the surface with your fingers.

9. A small brass vessel on a stick. What is this?

This is a miniature bed warmer.

10. The item is slightly larger than a battery and weighs almost the same. At the top there is a small hole and a combination of numbers from 5 to 9

This is a needle case with small compartments inside. Top not removable: the numbers indicate the size of the needles that are inserted and withdrawn through a small hole.

11. I found this in my grandfather's closet. What it is?

These are sugar tongs.

12. I found this on a farm

This is a drink holder.

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