What is this thing: the strangest finds. Issue 180

16 January 2024

There are communities on the Internet that are dedicated to identifying mysterious things. Its participants publish photographs of strange objects, the purpose of which is difficult to determine at first glance. And the rest of the community tries to guess how these items can be used. Take a look at these interesting riddles.

1. I found this in my grandparents' old house. It was in an old jewelry box. Does anyone have any ideas as to what this could be?

It looks like an old perfume atomizer. You scoop the perfume into a small round bottle, screw on the cap, and press the little handle to spray.

2. Found on the beach

This is a traditional hair clip for Asian women.

3. What is this strange forked thing?

This fork is used for cutting meat. It can be used to hold the meat on top.

4. I found this in a drawer at home. Now I'm afraid to throw it away. What is this?

This is a spring tightening tool that comes with the trampoline.

5. My dad is trying to figure out what it is.

This is a coconut cutter.

6. A seagull dropped this next to me after I gave her some bread.

Some species of birds (mostly crows) are known to give gifts. The seagull gave you a shell.

7. Any ideas what it could be? Some kind of tongs?

This is a clamp for a tarpaulin, such as a tent. The black part makes it easier to grip and prevents tearing.

8. Does anyone know what this tool is and what it can be used for?

This is a lid and jar opener.

9. Can anyone tell me what this is?

This is an antique telegraph switchgear.

10. What is this thing?

This is a photo frame stand. I have the same one in my office.

11. I found this in my closet. My wife won't tell me what it is

This is a weight loss patch.

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